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How do petname contact-lists represent personas?
Created on 2023-01-16 by
From #spritely:
20:27 <tsyesika> the way they work in spritely's implementation is comparing the sturdyref of the "persona" object (it assums if you can control that URI, you're the real person, which is true in the case of onion netlayers which is what we currently support). I don't think this needs to be the case, it could be done with other mechanims
20:28 <tsyesika> you've probably seen it but in case you haven't, I went into implementation in the paper I co-authored on this: https://spritely.institute/static/papers/implementation-of-petname-system-in-existing-chat-app.html
20:29 <Zarutian_iPad> fr33domlover: you can also look into how brands from ERTP from Agoric are used
20:29 <Zarutian_iPad> basically, object identity eq
Look at how they work in goblin-chat and in Goblins (where petnames are moving, from being a separate “brux” component?)
Status: Open