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Implement all the basic ticket param functionality
Created on 2019-12-28 by
Check the following:
- Who should be able to set/unset issue labels by default, when creating issue and when editing? Who’s allowed to do that in NAB / Gitea? Issue author? Repo team? Both?
Implement the following (or verify that it’s implemented and works):
- When editing a project, either the workflow can’t be changed, or a workflow change involves a check whether any tickets use the current workflow (workflow can’t be changed)
- When editing/deleting a workflow field, it checks whether any tickets use that field or the values being changed/deleted (field, enum and ctor deletion and editing not implemented)
- Ticket params can only be set according to roles; add a role operation for this if needed (ticket creation doesn’t allow to set params; ticket editing allowed only by project sharer and it supports setting params yay)
- There’s UI for adding a param to a ticket (yes, you edit the ticket and can set any workflow param)
- There’s UI for removing a param from a ticket (yes, you can set an enum param to None and a text param to empty string, which makes them appear unset in UI)
- There’s UI for editing a ticket’s param (yup, in ticket edit form)
- In ticket page, the params are displayed in a sane manner, and there are buttons/links/UI for editing/removing the params, and button/link/UI for adding new params (UI for editing params is in ticket edit page, good enough for now; display is minimally usable)
It seems to work, but how do we get that nice colorful label display that forges usually have?
Status: Open