Specify DB migrations in terms of your persistent model
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- Written in 2019 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Database.Persist.Schema.Parser
( -- * Error types
ModelError (..)
, ErrorBundle
-- * Name types
, FieldName ()
, renderFieldName
, fieldNameDB
, UniqueName ()
, renderUniqueName
, uniqueNameDB
, EntityName ()
, renderEntityName
, entityNameDB
-- * Schema types
, FieldType (..)
, FieldMaybe (..)
, Field (..)
, Unique (..)
, Entity (..)
-- * Schema parsing
, parseEntities
, parseEntitiesExt
, parseEntitiesTest
, parseEntitiesExtTest
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Control.Monad.Combinators.NonEmpty as CNE
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
data EntityError
= FieldNameRepeated FieldName
| UniqueNameRepeated UniqueName
| UniqueFieldDoesntExist UniqueName FieldName
| EntityNameRepeated
| EntityNameTaken
| FieldRefTargetDoesntExist FieldName EntityName
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ModelError = EntityError EntityName EntityError deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ShowErrorComponent ModelError where
showErrorComponent (EntityError ent err) =
T.unpack $
["Entity ‘", renderEntityName ent, "’: ", showEntityError err]
showEntityError (FieldNameRepeated fld) =
[ "Field ‘"
, renderFieldName fld
, "’ occurs multiple times"
showEntityError (UniqueNameRepeated unq) =
[ "Unique constraint ‘"
, renderUniqueName ent unq
, "’ occurs multiple times"
showEntityError (UniqueFieldDoesntExist unq fld) =
[ "Unique contraint ‘"
, renderUniqueName ent unq
, "’ refers to a field ‘"
, renderFieldName fld
, "’, but the entity has no field by this name"
showEntityError EntityNameRepeated =
"Multiple entities by this name"
showEntityError EntityNameTaken =
"There is already an entity by this name"
showEntityError (FieldRefTargetDoesntExist fld target) =
[ "Field ‘"
, renderFieldName fld
, "’ is a foreign reference to entity ‘"
, renderEntityName target
, "’, but no such entity exists"
_modelError :: ModelError -> Parser a
_modelError = customFailure
modelErrors :: NonEmpty ModelError -> Parser a
modelErrors = fancyFailure . S.fromList . NE.toList . NE.map ErrorCustom
type Parser = Parsec ModelError Text
type ErrorBundle = ParseErrorBundle Text ModelError
lineComment :: Parser ()
lineComment = L.skipLineComment "--"
blockComment :: Parser ()
blockComment = L.skipBlockComment "{-" "-}"
midSpace1 :: Parser ()
midSpace1 = void $ takeWhile1P Nothing isLineSpace
isLineSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t'
lineSpace1 :: Parser ()
lineSpace1 = L.space (void $ takeWhile1P Nothing isLineSpace) lineComment empty
isLineSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t'
blockSpace1 :: Parser ()
blockSpace1 = L.space space1 lineComment blockComment
lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = L.lexeme lineSpace1
data Segment = Segment
{ _segmentHeadUpper :: Char
, _segmentHeadLower :: Char
, _segmentTail :: Text
deriving (Eq, Ord)
renderSegment :: Segment -> Text
renderSegment (Segment c _ t) = T.cons c t
renderSegmentLow :: Segment -> Text
renderSegmentLow (Segment _ c t) = T.cons c t
segment :: Parser Segment
segment =
seg <$> satisfy isAsciiUpper
<*> takeWhileP Nothing isSegChar
seg c t = Segment c (toLower c) t
isSegChar c = isAsciiLower c || isDigit c
segmentLow :: Parser Segment
segmentLow =
seg <$> satisfy isAsciiLower
<*> takeWhileP Nothing isSegChar
seg c t = Segment (toUpper c) c t
isSegChar c = isAsciiLower c || isDigit c
typeName :: Parser (NonEmpty (NonEmpty Segment))
typeName = CNE.sepBy1 (CNE.some segment) (char '.')
newtype FieldName = FieldName (NonEmpty Segment) deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show FieldName where
show fld =
T.unpack $ T.concat ["FieldName \"", renderFieldName fld, "\""]
renderFieldName :: FieldName -> Text
renderFieldName (FieldName (seg :| segs)) =
T.concat $ renderSegmentLow seg : map renderSegment segs
fieldNameDB :: FieldName -> Text
fieldNameDB (FieldName segs) =
T.intercalate "_" $ NE.toList $ NE.map renderSegmentLow segs
fieldNam :: Parser FieldName
fieldNam = f <$> segmentLow <*> many segment
f h t = FieldName $ h :| t
newtype UniqueName = UniqueName [Segment] deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show UniqueName where
show unq =
T.unpack $ T.concat ["UniqueName \"", renderUniqueName ent' unq, "\""]
ent' = EntityName $ Segment 'E' 'e' "ntity" :| []
renderUniqueName :: EntityName -> UniqueName -> Text
renderUniqueName ent (UniqueName segs) =
["Unique", renderEntityName ent, T.concat $ map renderSegment segs]
uniqueNameDB :: EntityName -> UniqueName -> Text
uniqueNameDB ent (UniqueName segs) =
T.intercalate "_" $ "unique" : entityNameDB ent : map renderSegmentLow segs
uniqueNam :: Text -> Parser UniqueName
uniqueNam ent =
string "Unique" *> string ent *> (UniqueName <$> many segment)
newtype EntityName = EntityName (NonEmpty Segment) deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show EntityName where
show ent =
T.unpack $ T.concat ["EntityName \"", renderEntityName ent, "\""]
renderEntityName :: EntityName -> Text
renderEntityName (EntityName segs) =
T.concat $ NE.toList $ NE.map renderSegment segs
entityNameDB :: EntityName -> Text
entityNameDB (EntityName segs) =
T.intercalate "_" $ NE.toList $ NE.map renderSegmentLow segs
entityNam :: Parser EntityName
entityNam = EntityName <$> CNE.some segment
data FieldType = FieldTypeRef EntityName | FieldTypePrim Text deriving Show
fieldTyp :: Parser FieldType
fieldTyp = do
(nameText, modules) <- match typeName
return $
case modules of
segs :| [] ->
let i = NE.init segs
l = NE.last segs
in case (NE.nonEmpty i, l == idSeg) of
(Just i', True) -> FieldTypeRef $ EntityName i'
_ -> FieldTypePrim nameText
_ -> FieldTypePrim nameText
idSeg = Segment 'I' 'i' "d"
data FieldMaybe = FieldRequired | FieldOptional deriving Show
data Field = Field
{ fieldName :: FieldName
, fieldType :: FieldType
, fieldMaybe :: FieldMaybe
deriving Show
field :: Parser Field
field = Field
<$> lexeme fieldNam
<*> lexeme fieldTyp
<*> (fieldMayb <$> optional (lexeme $ string "Maybe"))
fieldMayb Nothing = FieldRequired
fieldMayb (Just _) = FieldOptional
data Unique = Unique
{ uniqueName :: UniqueName
, uniqueFields :: NonEmpty FieldName
deriving Show
unique :: Text -> Parser Unique
unique ent = Unique
<$> lexeme (uniqueNam ent)
<*> CNE.some (lexeme fieldNam)
data Entity = Entity
{ entityName :: EntityName
, entityFields :: [Field]
, entityUniques :: [Unique]
deriving Show
entity :: Parser Entity
entity = L.nonIndented blockSpace1 $ L.indentBlock blockSpace1 $ do
(nameText, name) <- lexeme $ match entityNam
return $ L.IndentMany Nothing (mkEntity name) (child nameText)
child ent = Left <$> lexeme field <|> Right <$> lexeme (unique ent)
mkEntity name children = do
let (fields, uniques) = partitionEithers children
fieldNames = sort $ map fieldName fields
uniqueNames = sort $ map uniqueName uniques
fieldSet = S.fromAscList fieldNames
repeatedFieldNames =
map FieldNameRepeated $ findRepeated fieldNames
repeatedUniqueNames =
map UniqueNameRepeated $ findRepeated uniqueNames
invalidUniqueFields =
concatMap (checkUnique fieldSet) uniques
allErrors =
repeatedFieldNames ++
repeatedUniqueNames ++
case NE.nonEmpty allErrors of
Nothing -> return $ Entity name fields uniques
Just errs -> modelErrors $ NE.map (EntityError name) errs
findRepeated :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
findRepeated = map NE.head . filter (not . null . NE.tail) . NE.group
checkUnique fns (Unique n ps) =
map (UniqueFieldDoesntExist n) $ NE.filter (`S.notMember` fns) ps
model :: Maybe (Set EntityName) -> Parser [Entity]
model oldEntitySetMabe = do
entities <- blockSpace1 *> many entity <* eof
let newEntityNames = sort $ map entityName entities
newEntitySet = S.fromAscList newEntityNames
repeatedEntityNames =
map (flip EntityError EntityNameRepeated) $
findRepeated newEntityNames
takenEntityNames =
case oldEntitySetMabe of
Nothing -> []
Just oldEntitySet ->
map (flip EntityError EntityNameTaken) $
S.toList $ S.intersection oldEntitySet newEntitySet
inexistentRefs =
case oldEntitySetMabe of
Nothing -> []
Just oldEntitySet ->
let allEntitiesSet = oldEntitySet `S.union` newEntitySet
in concatMap (findInexistentRefs allEntitiesSet) entities
allErrors = repeatedEntityNames ++ takenEntityNames ++ inexistentRefs
case NE.nonEmpty allErrors of
Nothing -> return entities
Just errs -> modelErrors errs
findRepeated = map NE.head . filter (not . null . NE.tail) . NE.group
findInexistentRefs ents (Entity ent fields _) =
map (EntityError ent) $ mapMaybe inexistentTarget fields
inexistentTarget (Field fld (FieldTypeRef target) _)
| target `S.notMember` ents =
Just $ FieldRefTargetDoesntExist fld target
inexistentTarget _ = Nothing
parseEntities :: FilePath -> Text -> Either ErrorBundle [Entity]
parseEntities = parseEntitiesExt $ Just S.empty
:: Maybe (Set EntityName)
-> FilePath
-> Text
-> Either ErrorBundle [Entity]
parseEntitiesExt olds = parse $ model olds
parseEntitiesTest :: Text -> IO ()
parseEntitiesTest = parseEntitiesExtTest $ Just S.empty
parseEntitiesExtTest :: Maybe (Set EntityName) -> Text -> IO ()
parseEntitiesExtTest olds = parseTest $ model olds