Specify DB migrations in terms of your persistent model
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- Written in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023
- by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Due to an incomplete implementation of this backend, it's advised to use
-- it with the following care (for now):
-- * Don't use Uniques at all
-- * Don't use refs at all, instead plain Int64
-- * Don't attempt any finding/fixing of misnamed foreigns
-- In more detail, the following stuff doesn't work in this backend currently:
-- * Certain features are broken and require care when using this backend:
-- - Foreign key constraints (i.e. a column whose type is the Id of some
-- table) aren't created at all on the SQL side, this is silent and
-- doesn't raise any error
-- - Unique constraints aren't created at all on the SQL side, this is
-- silent and doesn't raise any error
-- - Renaming/removing a Unique doesn't do anything on the SQL side, just
-- silently passes
-- * Certain migrations don't work and will throw an error if attempted:
-- - Retype a column
-- - Renull a column
-- - set/unset default value for a column
-- * Table references don't have a constraint name, this makes
-- 'findMisnamedForeigns' fail so don't use it with this backend
module Database.Persist.Schema.SQLite
( schemaBackend
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist.Sql (SqlBackend)
import Database.Persist.Types (SqlType (..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.Persist.Schema.SQL
import Database.Persist.Schema.SQL.Internal
constraint2sql :: ConstraintName -> Text
constraint2sql = quoteName . unConstraintName
typeSql :: SqlType -> Text
typeSql SqlString = "VARCHAR"
typeSql SqlInt32 = "INTEGER"
typeSql SqlInt64 = "INTEGER"
typeSql SqlReal = "REAL"
typeSql (SqlNumeric precision scale) = T.concat [ "NUMERIC(", T.pack (show precision), ",", T.pack (show scale), ")" ]
typeSql SqlDay = "DATE"
typeSql SqlTime = "TIME"
typeSql SqlDayTime = "TIMESTAMP"
typeSql SqlBlob = "BLOB"
typeSql SqlBool = "BOOLEAN"
typeSql (SqlOther t) = t
columnSql :: Column -> Text
columnSql (Column name typ mnull) = mconcat
[ column2sql name, " "
, typeSql typ
, case mnull of
MaybeNull -> " NULL"
NotNull -> " NOT NULL"
idCol :: ColumnName
idCol = ColumnName "id"
idSql :: Text
schemaBackend :: SchemaBackend SqlBackend
schemaBackend = SqlSchemaBackend
{ ssbRefType = SqlInt64
, ssbDoesTableExist =
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type='table' AND name=?"
, ssbAnyTablesExist =
"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type='table')"
, ssbGetTableNames =
"SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type='table' AND name!=?"
, ssbGetTableColumnNames =
, ssbGetColumnForeign =
, ssbGetTableForeigns =
, ssbAnyRowsExist = \ table -> mconcat
[ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ", table2sql table, ")"
, ssbCreateTable = \ table columns -> mconcat
[ "CREATE TABLE ", table2sql table, " ("
, idSql
, if null columns then T.empty else ", "
, T.intercalate ", " $ map columnSql columns
, ")"
, ssbRenameTable = \ old new -> mconcat
[ "ALTER TABLE ", table2sql old
, " RENAME TO ", table2sql new
, ssbDropTable = \ table -> mconcat
[ "DROP TABLE ", table2sql table
, ssbAddColumn = \ table column withdef -> mconcat
[ "ALTER TABLE ", table2sql table
, " ADD COLUMN ", columnSql column
, if withdef
then " DEFAULT ?"
else T.empty
, ssbRenameColumn = \ table old new -> mconcat
[ "ALTER TABLE ", table2sql table
, " RENAME COLUMN ", column2sql old, " TO ", column2sql new
, ssbRetypeColumn = error "SQLite ssbRetypeColumn"
, ssbRetypeColumnConst = error "SQLite ssbRetypeColumnConst"
, ssbRenullColumn = error "SQLite ssbRenullColumn"
, ssbUnnullColumn = \ table column -> mconcat
[ "UPDATE ", table2sql table
, " SET ", column2sql column, " = ?"
, " WHERE ", column2sql column, " IS NULL"
, ssbDefColumn = error "SQLite ssbDefColumn"
, ssbUndefColumn = error "SQLite ssbUndefColumn"
, ssbDropColumn = \ table column -> mconcat
[ "ALTER TABLE ", table2sql table
, " DROP COLUMN ", column2sql column
, ssbAddUnique = \ _ _ _ -> "PRAGMA noop_ssb_add_unique"
, ssbAddForeignKey = \ _ _ _ _ -> "PRAGMA noop_ssb_add_foreign_key"
, ssbRenameConstraint = \ _ _ _ -> "PRAGMA noop_ssb_rename_constraint"
, ssbDropConstraint = \ _ _ -> "PRAGMA noop_ssb_drop_constraint"