SSH server library, fork of Hackage one but hoping to get patches upstream

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HTTPS: darcs clone

SSH: darcs clone



test /


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Main where

import Test.Tasty
    (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup, withResource
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
import Test.HUnit (assertBool)
import Test.QuickCheck
    (Arbitrary(..), elements, forAll, choose, vectorOf

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, putMVar)
import Control.Exception (bracket, try, catchJust, ErrorCall(..), evaluate)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Word (Word8)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, removeFile)
import System.FilePath ((<.>))
import System.IO (hPutStr, openTempFile, hClose)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import Network.SSH.Client.LibSSH2
import Network.SSH.Client.LibSSH2.Errors
import Network.SSH.Client.LibSSH2.Foreign

import qualified Network.SSH as SSH
import Network.SSH.Channel
import qualified Network.SSH.Internal.Crypto as Crypto
import Network.SSH.Internal.Crypto hiding (sign, verify)
import Network.SSH.Session

import EmbedTree

keysDirectory :: Map String Entry
keysDirectory = getDirectory $(embedTree "keys")

sshPort :: Num a => a -- used as an Int or a PortNumber
sshPort = 5032

withOneUserServer :: KeyPair -> PublicKey -> TestTree -> TestTree
withOneUserServer hostKp acceptedKey test = do
    (do startedSignal <- newEmptyMVar
        tid <- forkIO $ SSH.startConfig (config startedSignal)
        takeMVar startedSignal
        return tid
    (\_ -> test)
      config startedSignal =
          { SSH.cSession = session
          , SSH.cChannel = channel
          , SSH.cPort = sshPort
          , SSH.cReadyAction = putMVar startedSignal ()

      session =
          { scAuthMethods = ["publickey", "password"]
          , scAuthorize = sshAuthorize
          , scKeyPair = hostKp
          , scRunBaseMonad = id

      channel =
          { ccRequestHandler = channelRequest
          , ccRunBaseMonad = id

      sshAuthorize (PublicKey "testuser" k) =
        if k == acceptedKey
            then return $ AuthSuccess ()
            else return $ AuthFail
      sshAuthorize _ = return AuthFail

      channelRequest wr (Execute "check") = do
        channelMessage "checked"
        when wr channelSuccess

      channelRequest wr cmd = do
        channelError $ "<" ++ show cmd ++ "> not supported"
        when wr channelFail

withTextInTempFile :: String -> String -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTextInTempFile nameTemplate contents action = do
  let tempFolder = "temp"
  createDirectoryIfMissing False tempFolder
       (f, h) <- openTempFile tempFolder nameTemplate
       hPutStr h contents
       hClose h
       return f

data AuthResult = OK | Error ErrorCode
   deriving (Show, Eq)

authWith :: String -> KeyPair -> IO (Main.AuthResult)
authWith publicKeyText privateKeyPair = do
  withTextInTempFile "private" (printKeyPair privateKeyPair) $ \privateKeyFile ->
    withTextInTempFile "public" publicKeyText $ \publicKeyFile ->
      withSession "localhost" sshPort $ \session -> do
        authResult <- try $ publicKeyAuthFile session "testuser" publicKeyFile privateKeyFile ""
        case authResult of
            Left e -> return $ Error e
            Right () -> do
              channel <- openChannelSession session
              channelExecute channel "check"
              checked <- readChannel channel 20
              when (checked /= pack "checked\r\n") $ fail "incorrect check result"
              return OK

breakPrivateKey :: KeyPair -> KeyPair
-- This leaves enough information intact to reconstruct the private key
-- (e.g the primes), but in practice it seems to be enough to cause an
-- authentication failure.
-- Changing the numbers too much can cause segfaults or out of range signatures
breakPrivateKey kp@RSAKeyPair {} =
   { rprivD = rprivD kp - 2
   , rprivPrime1 = rprivPrime1 kp - 2
   , rprivPrime2 = rprivPrime2 kp - 2
   , rprivExponent1 = rprivExponent1 kp - 2
   , rprivExponent2 = rprivExponent2 kp - 2
   , rprivCoefficient = rprivCoefficient kp - 2
breakPrivateKey kp@DSAKeyPair {} = kp { dprivX = 1 }

publicKey :: KeyPair -> PublicKey
publicKey (RSAKeyPair { rprivPub = k }) = k
publicKey (DSAKeyPair { dprivPub = k }) = k

hostKeyPair :: KeyPair
hostKeyPair = parseKeyPair . getFile $ getEntry "host" keysDirectory

clientKeysDirectory :: Map String Entry
clientKeysDirectory = getDirectory $ getEntry "client" keysDirectory

getClientPublicKeyFileText :: String -> String
getClientPublicKeyFileText keyName = getFile $ getEntry (keyName <.> "pub") clientKeysDirectory

getClientPrivateKeyPair :: String -> KeyPair
getClientPrivateKeyPair keyName = parseKeyPair . getFile $ getEntry keyName clientKeysDirectory

privateKeyPairFiles :: [String]
privateKeyPairFiles = filter (not . isSuffixOf "pub") $ Map.keys clientKeysDirectory

singleKeyAuthTests :: TestTree
singleKeyAuthTests =
  testGroup "Single key auth tests"
      let publicKeyFileText = getClientPublicKeyFileText privateKeyPairFile
          privateKeyPair = getClientPrivateKeyPair privateKeyPairFile
        withOneUserServer hostKeyPair (publicKey privateKeyPair) $
          testGroup ("Check auth with " ++ privateKeyPairFile)
            testCase ("Works") $ do
              authWith publicKeyFileText privateKeyPair
                >>= assertBool "should auth with correct private key" . (==OK)

          , testCase ("Fails with broken private key") $ do
              authWith publicKeyFileText (breakPrivateKey privateKeyPair)
                >>= assertBool "shouldn't auth with broken private key" . (==Error PUBLICKEY_UNVERIFIED)

    | privateKeyPairFile <- privateKeyPairFiles


wrongKeyAuthTest :: TestTree
wrongKeyAuthTest =
  withOneUserServer hostKeyPair (publicKey rightPrivateKeyPair) $
  testCase "Check auth failure with wrong key" $ do
      authWith wrongPublicKeyFileText wrongPrivateKeyPair
        >>= assertBool "shouldn't auth with wrong private key" . (==Error AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)
    rightPrivateKeyPair = getClientPrivateKeyPair "id_rsa_test"
    wrongPrivateKeyPair = getClientPrivateKeyPair "id_rsa_test2"

    wrongPublicKeyFileText = getClientPublicKeyFileText "id_rsa_test2"

instance Arbitrary LBS.ByteString where
  arbitrary = LBS.pack <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary KeyPair where
  arbitrary = elements $ map getClientPrivateKeyPair privateKeyPairFiles

instance Arbitrary PublicKey where
  arbitrary = publicKey <$> arbitrary

-- QuickCheck tests end up using unsafePerformIO because sign and verify
-- are in IO, which in turn is because the DSA operations are in IO,
-- but hopefully they only have benign side-effects if any

sign :: KeyPair -> LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString
sign kp message = unsafePerformIO $ Crypto.sign kp message

verify :: PublicKey -> LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString -> Bool
verify key message sig =
  unsafePerformIO $
      (Crypto.verify key message sig >>= evaluate)
      (\() -> return False)

    sigErrors (ErrorCall msg)
      | msg == "signature representative out of range" = Just ()
    sigErrors _ = Nothing

signThenVerifyTest :: TestTree
signThenVerifyTest = testProperty "signatures from sign work with verify" $
  \kp message -> verify (publicKey kp) message $ sign kp message

signThenMutatedVerifyTest :: TestTree
signThenMutatedVerifyTest = testProperty "mutated signatures from sign fail with verify" $
  \kp message ->
    let sig = sign kp message
        actualSignatureLen = fromIntegral $ actualSignatureLength (publicKey kp)
    in forAll (choose (LBS.length sig - actualSignatureLen, LBS.length sig - 1)) $ \offset ->
       forAll (choose (1, 255 :: Word8)) $ \mutation ->
       let mutatedSig =
             LBS.take offset sig `LBS.append`
             LBS.pack [LBS.index sig offset + mutation] `LBS.append`
             LBS.drop (offset+1) sig
       in not $ verify (publicKey kp) message mutatedSig

randomVerifyTest :: TestTree
randomVerifyTest = testProperty "random signatures fail with verify" $
  -- might be sensible to test some other lengths, but the actual code
  -- just takes the last n bytes anyway, and it's not totally obvious
  -- what would be a good range of values to test with.
  \key message -> forAll (vectorOf (actualSignatureLength key) arbitrary) $ \sigBytes ->
    not $ verify key message (LBS.pack sigBytes)

allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
  testGroup "Tests"
  [ testGroup "With server"
    [ singleKeyAuthTests
    , wrongKeyAuthTest
  , testGroup "Signatures"
    [ signThenVerifyTest
    , signThenMutatedVerifyTest
    , randomVerifyTest

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain allTests
[See repo JSON]