Some text adventure games written for HERITAGE

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master :: relax /


    author: fr33domlover
    title: Relax
    license: CC0 Public Domain Dedication


    description: Something seems to bother you. Something is annoying you.
                 Perhaps you're angry, frustrated. Disappointed. Tired.

                 Everything is going to be alright.

                 Use the command "relax" to relax.

    succeed: Relax...



             Can you hear the wind? If not, imagine you can. Close your eyes
             now, and listen to it. Listen to the trees, as they move to the
             wind's rhythm.


             Now here's a question I'd like you to answer. Take your time to
             think about it, see the details in your head. Tell yourself the
             answer. You can also write it or type it into a text editor. After
             that, if you wish to relax even more, enter "relax" again.


             $(equals:times,0;Did you ever smile and cry at the same time? When
             was it, and in which situation?)$
             $(equals:times,1;Do you remember any particular reunion with your
             dearest people, which was very exciting? Perhaps after a long trip
             away from home?)$
             $(equals:times,2;What is the cutest animal you ever saw?)$
             $(equals:times,3;Green apples or red apples?)$
             $(equals:times,4;When was your first kiss? Or who would you like
             it to be with?)$
             $(equals:times,5;What was the scariest moment in your life?)$
             $(equals:times,6;What was the happiest moment in your life?)$
             $(equals:times,7;Is there any decision you regret?)$
             $(equals:times,8;Which moment in your life would you live again if
             you could?)$
             $(equals:times,9;If you could meet and talk to any person you'd
             like, including people who aren't among the living anymore, who
             would it be? What would you say?)$
             $(more_than:times,9;I asked all the questions I had in mind. How
             are you feeling?)$


             Use "look" or "relax" to proceed, or just close the window if
             you're done.

[See repo JSON]