An IRC bot for learning, fun and collaboration in the Freepost community.

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{- This file is part of funbot.
 - Written in 2015, 2016 by fr33domlover <>.
 - ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
 - The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
 - rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
 - distributed without any warranty.
 - You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
 - with this software. If not, see
 - <>.

-- For JSON field names
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module FunBot.UserOptions
    ( getUserHistoryOpts
    , sendHistoryOpts
    , sendChannels
    , setEnabled
    , setMaxLines
    , eraseOpts
    , loadUserOptions
    , mkSaveUserOptions
    , saveUserOptions

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (liftM, mzero)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.JsonState
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text, intercalate)
import Formatting
import FunBot.Config (stateSaveInterval, configuration, userOptsFilename)
import FunBot.Settings.Instances ()
import FunBot.Types
import FunBot.Util (getHistoryLines)
import Network.IRC.Fun.Bot.Chat (sendToUser)
import Network.IRC.Fun.Bot.State
import Network.IRC.Fun.Bot.Types (Config (cfgStateRepo))
import Network.IRC.Fun.Types.Base

import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M

-- Utilities

defaultEnabled :: Bool
defaultEnabled = False

defaultMaxLines :: Int
defaultMaxLines = 10

defHistoryDisplay :: HistoryDisplay
defHistoryDisplay = HistoryDisplay
    { hdEnabled  = defaultEnabled
    , hdMaxLines = defaultMaxLines

defUserOpts :: UserOptions
defUserOpts = UserOptions
    { uoHistoryDisplay = M.empty }

getUserHistoryOpts :: Nickname -> Channel -> BotSession HistoryDisplay
getUserHistoryOpts nick chan = do
    opts <- getStateS bsUserOptions
    let user = M.lookup nick opts
        hdmap = fmap uoHistoryDisplay user
        mhd = hdmap >>= M.lookup chan
    return $ fromMaybe defHistoryDisplay mhd

-- Command Implementation

showEnabled :: Bool -> Text
showEnabled True  = "Enabled"
showEnabled False = "Disabled"

showMaxLines :: Int -> Text
showMaxLines n = sformat (int % " lines") n

formatHistoryOpts :: Nickname -> Channel -> Maybe HistoryDisplay -> MsgContent
formatHistoryOpts nick chan mhd =
    let defSuffix = " [default]"
        (enabled, maxLines) =
            case mhd of
                Nothing ->
                    ( showEnabled defaultEnabled <> defSuffix
                    , showMaxLines defaultMaxLines <> defSuffix
                Just hd ->
                    ( showEnabled $ hdEnabled hd
                    , showMaxLines $ hdMaxLines hd
    in  MsgContent $
            ( "History display of "
            % stext
            % " for "
            % stext
            % ": "
            % stext
            % ", "
            % stext
            (unChannel chan)
            (unNickname nick)

    :: Nickname
    -> Channel
    -> (HistoryDisplay -> HistoryDisplay)
    -> BotSession ()
modifyOpts nick chan f = do
    opts <- getStateS bsUserOptions
    let userPrev = M.lookupDefault defUserOpts nick opts
        hdmapPrev = uoHistoryDisplay userPrev
        hdPrev = M.lookupDefault defHistoryDisplay chan hdmapPrev
        hdNew = f hdPrev
        hdmapNew = M.insert chan hdNew hdmapPrev
        userNew = userPrev { uoHistoryDisplay = hdmapNew }
        optsNew = M.insert nick userNew opts
    modifyState $ \ s -> s { bsUserOptions = optsNew }

-- Commands

sendHistoryOpts :: Nickname -> Channel -> BotSession ()
sendHistoryOpts nick chan = do
    opts <- getStateS bsUserOptions
    let user = M.lookup nick opts
        hdmap = fmap uoHistoryDisplay user
        mhd = hdmap >>= M.lookup chan
    sendToUser nick $ formatHistoryOpts nick chan mhd

sendChannels :: Nickname -> BotSession ()
sendChannels nick = do
    muser <- fmap (M.lookup nick) $ getStateS bsUserOptions
    let mhdmap = fmap uoHistoryDisplay muser
        mkeys = fmap M.keys mhdmap
        keys = fromMaybe [] mkeys
        l = if null keys
                then "(none)"
                else intercalate ", " $ map unChannel keys
    sendToUser nick $ MsgContent $ "Options stored for channels: " <> l

setEnabled :: Nickname -> Channel -> Bool -> BotSession ()
setEnabled nick chan enabled = do
    modifyOpts nick chan $ \ hd -> hd { hdEnabled = enabled }
    sendToUser nick $ MsgContent $
            ( "History display of "
            % stext
            % ": "
            % stext
            (unChannel chan)
            (showEnabled enabled)

setMaxLines :: Nickname -> Channel -> Int -> BotSession ()
setMaxLines nick chan maxLines = do
    modifyOpts nick chan $ \ hd -> hd { hdMaxLines = maxLines }
    hls <- getHistoryLines chan
    sendToUser nick $ MsgContent $
            ( "History display length for "
            % stext
            % ": "
            % stext
            % "\n(I keep in my logs up to "
            % stext
            % " for "
            % stext
            % ")"
            (unChannel chan)
            (showMaxLines maxLines)
            (showMaxLines hls)
            (unChannel chan)

eraseOpts :: Nickname -> BotSession ()
eraseOpts nick = do
    opts <- getStateS bsUserOptions
    case M.lookup nick opts of
        Nothing   ->
            sendToUser nick $ MsgContent "You don’t have stored options."
        Just user -> do
            modifyState $ \ s -> s { bsUserOptions = M.delete nick opts }
            sendToUser nick $
                MsgContent "All your options have been reset to defaults."

-- Persistence

instance FromJSON HistoryDisplay where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        HistoryDisplay <$>
        o .: "enabled" <*>
        o .: "max-lines"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance ToJSON HistoryDisplay where
    toJSON (HistoryDisplay enabled maxLines) = object
        [ "enabled"   .= enabled
        , "max-lines" .= maxLines

instance FromJSON UserOptions where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        UserOptions <$>
        o .: "history-display"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance ToJSON UserOptions where
    toJSON (UserOptions hd) = object
        [ "history-display" .= hd

loadUserOptions :: IO (M.HashMap Nickname UserOptions)
loadUserOptions = do
    r <- loadState $
         stateFilePath userOptsFilename (cfgStateRepo configuration)
    case r of
        Left (False, e) -> error $ "Failed to read user options file: " ++ e
        Left (True, e)  -> error $ "Failed to parse user options file: " ++ e
        Right s         -> return s

mkSaveUserOptions :: IO (M.HashMap Nickname UserOptions -> IO ())
mkSaveUserOptions =
        (cfgStateRepo configuration)
        "auto commit by funbot"

saveUserOptions :: BotSession ()
saveUserOptions = do
    opts <- getStateS bsUserOptions
    save <- askEnvS saveUserOpts
    liftIO $ save opts
[See repo JSON]