Eventually-decentralized project hosting and management platform
darcs clone https://vervis.peers.community/repos/WvWbo
darcs clone USERNAME@vervis.peers.community:WvWbo
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- Written in 2019, 2022 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Data.Aeson.Local
( Either' (..)
, toEither
, fromEither
, (.:|)
, (.:|?)
, (.:+)
, (.:+?)
, (.:*)
, (.:*+)
, (.=?)
, (.=%)
, (.=+)
, (.=+?)
, (.=*)
, (.=*+)
, WithValue (..)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.URI
import qualified Data.Text as T (unpack)
data Either' a b = Left' a | Right' b
instance (FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (Either' a b) where
parseJSON v = Left' <$> parseJSON v <|> Right' <$> parseJSON v
instance (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => ToJSON (Either' a b) where
toJSON = error "toJSON Either'"
toEncoding (Left' x) = toEncoding x
toEncoding (Right' y) = toEncoding y
toEither :: Either' a b -> Either a b
toEither (Left' x) = Left x
toEither (Right' y) = Right y
fromEither :: Either a b -> Either' a b
fromEither (Left x) = Left' x
fromEither (Right y) = Right' y
(.:|) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser a
o .:| t = o .: t <|> o .: (frg <> t)
frg = "https://forgefed.org/ns#"
(.:|?) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
o .:|? t = optional $ o .:| t
(.:+) :: (FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => Object -> Text -> Parser (Either a b)
o .:+ t = Left <$> o .: t <|> Right <$> o .: t
:: (FromJSON a, FromJSON b)
=> Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe (Either a b))
o .:+? t = optional $ o .:+ t
-- | For JSON-LD properties that aren't functional, i.e. can have any number of
-- values
(.:*) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser [a]
o .:* t = do
maybeOneOrArray <- o .:+? t
case maybeOneOrArray of
Nothing -> return []
Just (Left v) -> return [v]
Just (Right vs) -> return vs
-- | For JSON-LD properties that aren't functional, i.e. can have any number of
-- values
(.:*+) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (NonEmpty a)
o .:*+ t = do
oneOrArray <- o .:+ t
case oneOrArray of
Left v -> return $ v :| []
Right [] -> fail $ "No values for " ++ T.unpack t
Right (v:vs) -> return $ v :| vs
infixr 8 .=?
(.=?) :: ToJSON v => Text -> Maybe v -> Series
_ .=? Nothing = mempty
k .=? (Just v) = k .= v
infixr 8 .=%
(.=%) :: ToJSON v => Text -> [v] -> Series
k .=% v =
if null v
then mempty
else k .= v
infixr 8 .=+
(.=+) :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => Text -> Either a b -> Series
k .=+ Left x = k .= x
k .=+ Right y = k .= y
infixr 8 .=+?
(.=+?) :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => Text -> Maybe (Either a b) -> Series
k .=+? Nothing = mempty
k .=+? (Just v) = k .=+ v
infixr 8 .=*
(.=*) :: ToJSON a => Text -> [a] -> Series
_ .=* [] = mempty
k .=* [v] = k .= v
k .=* vs = k .= vs
infixr 8 .=*+
(.=*+) :: ToJSON a => Text -> NonEmpty a -> Series
k .=*+ (v :| []) = k .= v
k .=*+ (v :| vs) = k .= (v:vs)
data WithValue a = WithValue
{ wvRaw :: Object
, wvParsed :: a
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (WithValue a) where
parseJSON v =
flip WithValue
<$> parseJSON v
<*> withObject "WithValue" pure v