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- Written in 2016 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
-- |
-- = Intro
-- Recursive queries are performed by taking the output of a recursion step,
-- possibly modifying it, and using the result as the input for the next
-- recursion step. Like /persistent/ itself, the API provided here is a
-- high-level, safe subset, and you can use 'rawSql' etc. for the less common
-- cases or backend-specific features not covered by it. Instead of talking
-- about recursion concepts, the API uses terms like /tree/ and /graph/.
-- This module supports two ways to represent hierarchy using persistent
-- records:
-- 1. Forest (i.e. one or more trees)
-- 2. Graph
-- If your hierarchy supports up to one parent per node, you'll probably take
-- the forest approach. If multiple parents per node are supported, you'll
-- probably take the graph approach. Note that this API is still new and
-- experimental, and is based on experience working only with SQL. Suggestions
-- and use cases are very welcome.
-- = Forest
-- In the forest model, the recursive step is done by matching between the /id/
-- column of a certain entity and some other column. The idea is that you have
-- an entity @Ent@ with a field of type @Maybe (Key Ent)@. Through that field,
-- a node points to its parent node. Nodes without a parent are called root
-- nodes. If there's a single such root node, you get a tree structure. Is
-- there are multiple root nodes, there are multiple trees, i.e. a forest.
-- For example, suppose we have a `Message` type with a `messageParent` field.
-- For given messages `a` and `b`, if `messageParent b == Just a` then `b` is a
-- reply to `a`. Therefore, all the replies to a given message point to it
-- using the `messageParent` field. And there can be replies to replies and so
-- on, creating a tree of messages.
-- > Message
-- > author PersonId
-- > content Text
-- > parent MessageId Maybe
-- If we start with a single message and follow the `messageParent` values
-- recursively, we'll be able to get a list (or a tree) of the __ancestors__ of
-- the message. Our message /a/ may be a reply to some other message /b/, and
-- /b/ may be a reply to message /c/ and so on. Eventually, if there are no
-- cycles and it's really a tree structure, we'll reach the root message, which
-- has no parent.
-- But there's another way to recurse. What if we wanted to find the replies
-- for a given message? And the replies of the replies, and so on? In other
-- words, the __decendants__ of a given message. Suppose we start with a
-- message /a/. We get a list of the replies of /a/, i.e. message whose parent
-- is `Just a`. Then we find the replies of those messages, i.e. the replies of
-- the replies of /a/. And so on, recursively, until we can't find more replies
-- and then we stop.
-- Therefore we can perform the recursion in one of two directions:
-- - __Towards the root nodes__, i.e. follow from a message to its parents.
-- More generally, given a persistent entity type `Foobar`, follow
-- recursively using a specific field of it, whose type is `FoobarId`.
-- - __Towards leaf nodes__, i.e. find the children (i.e. replies) of a
-- message, and then their children, and so on. More generally, given a
-- persistent entity type `Foobar`, find other values referring to it using a
-- specific field, whose type is `Maybe FoobarId`, and recursively find such
-- values for the results we get and so on.
-- The 'RecursionDirection' type is used for specifying the direction.
-- When you follow all the children of an entity recursively, or all of its
-- parents, we call the result you get the __transitive closure__ of the
-- specific field you used. You can further specify the direction, i.e.
-- __outward transitive closure__ or __inward transitive closure__. For
-- examples, if you follow a message's parents recursively as in the example
-- above, you get an outward transitive closure on the /parent/ field.
-- Note that the definition used here is __not__ the same as the mathematical
-- definition. When you perform a recursive query without filters, you get not
-- only the ancestors (or the decendants) of an entity, but also the root
-- entity itself. In other words, even though a message is not a reply of
-- itself, you'll still get it in the query result. If you want to get just the
-- ancestors (or decendants), i.e. the actual transitive closer of the "is
-- reply of" relation in the mathematical sense, use a filter to omit the root
-- message based on the ID, i.e. @[MessageParent /= msgid]@.
-- Therefore, when the term "transitive closure" is used below, it means not
-- just the ancestors (or decendants), but also the origin entity too.
-- = Graph
-- Sometimes a tree isn't enough. One common structure for hierarchies which
-- isn't a tree is the DAG, Directed Acyclic Graph. A DAG is a graph which has
-- no cycles. It allows a node to have an arbitrary number of parents, as long
-- as a parent can't be a child of its own child, or more generally, a node
-- can't be an ancestor of its ancestors.
-- For example, suppose you'd like to create an application that manages data
-- about human languages. For each language you'd like to specify, from which
-- older languages it developed. Some languages are simply decendants of older
-- versions of themselves, but other languages are a mix of several older
-- languages, or have a variety of influences.
-- In this case, each language may have multiple parents (and a language can't
-- be an ancestor of itself). We need something more general than a tree.
-- There are probably various ways to represent such a graph in the various
-- backends. This module provides a single way to do that, which is hopefully
-- safe and works well on different kinds of backends. The idea is that you
-- have two separate tables: One for the entities and another one for the
-- parent-child relations between them. For example, we can have a @Language@
-- entity, and a @LanguageOrigin@ entity with two fields, @parent@ and @child@,
-- both of type @LanguageId@.
-- Before you can use the graph approach you should define an instance of the
-- 'PersistEntityGraph' class. That class creates a relation between the two
-- entities (@Language@ and @LanguageOrigin@ in the example).
-- The queries in the graph approach conceptually run 2 steps.
-- In the first step, build a set of edge-node pairs. It contains all the
-- relevant edges found, and the parent of child side of the edge, depending on
-- the recursion direction. If you query for ancestors, the node is the
-- parent-side of the edge. If you query for decendants, the node is the
-- child-side of the edge.
-- In the second step, run a query on the resulting set of pairs. The functions
-- take 2 separate lists of filters, one for the nodes and one for the edges,
-- and apply both, i.e. they AND the filters. Mixing and ORing of node and edge
-- filters is currently not supported because it requires complicating
-- persistent's filters a bit (or adding something on top), but it's certainly
-- possible to add that.
-- - The read operations return pairs after optional filtering and ordering.
-- The default ordering depends on the backend.
-- - The update operations take an update list for nodes and an update list for
-- edges. If you want to update just nodes or just edges, pass an empty list.
-- - The deletion operations take a 'GraphDeleteMode' parameter which specifies
-- whether to delete just the selected edges, or also the nodes selected with
-- them
-- Note that unlike in the forest approach, here the queries don't return the
-- root node whose key is passed to them. If you want the record of the root,
-- obtain it the usual way, using 'get'.
module Database.Persist.Local.RecursionDoc () where