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  <TITLE>Release plan for log4j 1.2</TITLE>


<h2>Release plan for log4j 1.2</h2>
C. G&uuml;lc&uuml;
<p>Here is my proposed plan for the next major log4j release. As
customary, there is no scheduled release date. It will be ready when
its ready. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.

<p>After we get appropriate feedback we can proceed with a vote.

<p><TABLE border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2">


<TR bgcolor="DDDDDD">
<TD>More test cases

<TD>We need more automated test cases to catch bugs as early is possible.

<p>Contributors are expected to be familiar with the log4j test
environment. They are also <em>required</em> to add a new test case
with each new feature or component.

<TD>All committers


<TD>JMX support 

<TD>A common request is to change log4j settings without shutting down
a running application.  The JMX API is designed to handle such
management tasks.  

<p>For example, a <code>HierarchyAgent</code> could list all existing
categories in a hierarchy, create new categories, change the priority
or attach a new appender to a category. Log4j core needs to be
enhanced to report events such as the creation of a new categories,
priority changes, appender attachments/removals etc.


<TR bgcolor="DDDDDD">

<TD>We currently have two competing JDBCAppenders: one by Thomas
Fenner and the other by Kevin Steppe. After proper testing, we should
include at least of one of these in the standard log4j distribution.


<TD>Log4j in applets

<TD>In order to minimize network traffic, the size of log4j-core.jar
needs to be reduced to at most 50KB.


<TR  bgcolor="DDDDDD">
<TD>Improved documentation

<TD>Log4j documentation needs to be enhanced with configuration
examples and much more hand-holding.


<TD valign="top">Mapped Diagnostic Contexts

<TD>Mapped Diagnostic Contexts are similar to the NDC except that the
MDC is a string to string map instead of a stack that the user sets
when entering a special context. The <code>PatternLayout</code> has to
be enhanced to support this by extending the %x pattern to accept an
argument.  Here is an example:

 ConversionPattern=3D%d %p %c %x{server} %x{host} - %m%n

User code:
   MDC.put("server", "totoServer");
   MDC.put("host", "someHost");


will print:
<pre>2000-01-24 10:00:00,000 DEBUG totoServer someHost - Hello</pre>

<p>To make MDCs truly user friendly <code>ThreadLocal</code> variables
are required. This will allow the MDC to be inherited by child
threads. <code>ThreadLocal</code> are only supported under JDK 1.2 and
above. In JDK 1.1, the MDC will not work but won't harm the user
application either.

<TD>C. G&uuml;lc&uuml;



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