Paste server written in Haskell. Fork of Hpaste, fully freedom and privacy respecting and generally improved. At the time of writing there's an instance at <>.

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HTTPS: git clone

SSH: git clone



hpaste ::


constraints: ConfigFile ==1.1.4,
             Diff ==0.1.3,
             HJScript ==0.7.0,
             HJavaScript ==0.4.7,
             HUnit ==,
             MissingH ==,
             MonadCatchIO-transformers ==,
             aeson ==,
             ansi-terminal ==,
             array ==,
             attoparsec ==,
             attoparsec-enumerator ==0.3.3,
             base ==,
             base64-bytestring ==,
             binary ==,
             blaze-builder ==,
             blaze-builder-enumerator ==,
             blaze-html ==,
             blaze-markup ==,
             blaze-textual ==,
             byteable ==0.1.1,
             bytestring ==,
             bytestring-mmap ==0.2.2,
             case-insensitive ==,
             cgi ==3001.2.2.0,
             cmdargs ==0.10.12,
             containers ==,
             cpphs ==1.18.6,
             cryptohash ==0.11.6,
             curl ==1.3.8,
             data-default ==0.5.3,
             data-default-class ==0.0.1,
             data-default-instances-base ==0.0.1,
             data-default-instances-containers ==0.0.1,
             data-default-instances-dlist ==0.0.1,
             data-default-instances-old-locale ==0.0.1,
             deepseq ==,
             directory ==,
             dlist ==0.7.1,
             download-curl ==0.1.4,
             enumerator ==0.4.20,
             exceptions ==0.6.1,
             extensible-exceptions ==,
             extra ==1.0,
             feed ==,
             filepath ==,
             ghc-prim ==,
             hashable ==,
             haskell-src-exts ==,
             hlint ==1.9.13,
             hpaste ==1.2.0,
             hscolour ==1.20.3,
             hslogger ==1.2.6,
             hsp ==0.10.0,
             integer-gmp ==,
             mime-mail ==0.4.6,
             monads-tf ==,
             mtl ==2.2.1,
             multipart ==0.1.2,
             named-formlet ==0.2,
             network ==,
             network-info ==,
             old-locale ==,
             old-time ==,
             parsec ==3.1.7,
             polyparse ==1.9,
             postgresql-libpq ==,
             postgresql-simple ==,
             pretty ==,
             primitive ==,
             process ==,
             random ==,
             regex-base ==0.93.2,
             regex-compat ==0.95.1,
             regex-posix ==0.95.2,
             rts ==1.0,
             safe ==0.3.8,
             scientific ==,
             snap-app ==0.6.0,
             snap-core ==,
             snap-server ==,
             syb ==0.4.2,
             tagsoup ==0.12.8,
             template-haskell ==,
             text ==,
             time ==1.4.2,
             transformers ==,
             uniplate ==1.6.12,
             unix ==,
             unix-compat ==,
             unordered-containers ==,
             utf8-string ==0.3.8,
             uuid ==1.3.4,
             vector ==,
             xhtml ==3000.2.1,
             xml ==1.3.13,
             zlib ==,
             zlib-bindings ==,
             zlib-enum ==

[See repo JSON]