Paste server written in Haskell. Fork of Hpaste, fully freedom and privacy respecting and generally improved. At the time of writing there's an instance at <>.
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Spam detection.
module Hpaste.Model.Spam where
import Hpaste.Types
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad.IO
import Control.Monad.Env
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Process hiding (env)
import Snap.App
import Network.Mail.Mime
-- | Get a spam rating for the given potential paste.
spamRating :: PasteSubmit -> Model Config s Integer
spamRating ps = do
score <- if definitelySpam ps
then return 100
else fmap (weighted ps) (io (getRating mail))
when (score > spamMaxLevel) $ reportBadScore ps score
return score
where mail = unlines ["from:"
,"subject: " ++ T.unpack (pasteSubmitTitle ps)
,T.unpack (pasteSubmitPaste ps)]
reportBadScore PasteSubmit{..} score = do
conf <- env modelStateConfig
m <- io $ simpleMail (configAdmin conf)
(configSiteAddy conf)
("Paste marked as spam: " <> pasteSubmitTitle)
io $ renderSendMail m
where body = LT.pack $
"Paste '" ++ T.unpack pasteSubmitTitle ++ "' by " ++ T.unpack pasteSubmitAuthor ++ " " ++
"has rating " ++ show score ++ " with content: " ++
T.unpack pasteSubmitPaste
-- | Get the rating from spam assassin.
getRating :: String -> IO Integer
getRating mail = do
(_,err,_) <- readProcessWithExitCode "spamc" ["-c"] mail
return $ case reads err of
[(n :: Double,_)] -> round (n*10)
_ -> 50
-- | Mark something as definitely spam.
definitelySpam :: PasteSubmit -> Bool
definitelySpam ps =
T.isInfixOf "http://" (pasteSubmitTitle ps) ||
T.isInfixOf "http://" (pasteSubmitAuthor ps) ||
T.isInfixOf "stooorage" (allText ps) ||
T.isInfixOf "" (allText ps) ||
T.isInfixOf "" (allText ps) ||
where justUrl =
(T.isPrefixOf "http://" paste ||
T.isPrefixOf "https://" paste) &&
lineCount == 1
lineCount = length (filter (not . T.null)
(map T.strip
(T.lines paste)))
paste = T.strip (pasteSubmitPaste ps)
-- | Multiple the rating by weights specific to hpaste.
weighted :: PasteSubmit -> Integer -> Integer
weighted ps n = foldr ($) n weights where
weights = [-- Commenting out this for now, it catches too many false negatives.
-- if T.isInfixOf "http://" text || T.isInfixOf "https://" text
-- then (+ (20 * fromIntegral (T.count "http://" text + T.count "https://" text))) else id
if pasteSubmitAuthor ps == "(anonymous)" ||
pasteSubmitAuthor ps == "anonymous" ||
pasteSubmitAuthor ps == "Anonymous"
then (+20) else id
text = allText ps
-- | Get the text of the paste.
allText :: PasteSubmit -> Text
allText PasteSubmit{..} = T.toLower $ pasteSubmitTitle <> " " <> pasteSubmitPaste
-- | Maximum level, anything equal or above this is treated as definitely spam, ignored.
spamMaxLevel = 100
-- | Minimum level, anything equal or above this is treated as possibly spam, accepted but not listed.
spamMinLevel = 60