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- Written in 2023 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
-- For the fundep in FaceType - is that fundep needed? haven't verified yet
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- | This module is only for use when implementing new backends, i.e.
-- 'Workshop' instances. It exports everything 'Data.Slab' does, in addition to
-- types needed for implementing a backend.
module Data.Slab.Backend
( SlabValue (..)
, Hard (..)
, Face (..)
, FaceType ()
, Engrave (..)
, EngraveShow ()
, EngraveJSON ()
, EngraveSerialize ()
, Slab (..)
, Workshop (..)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable
import Text.Read (readEither)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TEE
data SlabValue = SlabText Text | SlabByteString ByteString deriving Show
data SlabValue (a :: Type) :: Type where
SlabText :: Text -> SlabValue Text
SlabByteString :: ByteString -> SlabValue ByteString
class Hard (f :: Face) where
toSlabValue :: FaceType f -> SlabValue
fromSlabValue :: SlabValue -> Either Text (FaceType f)
data Face = FaceText | FaceByteString
type family FaceType (a :: Face) {-:: Type-} = t | t -> a where
FaceType 'FaceText = Text
FaceType 'FaceByteString = ByteString
instance Hard 'FaceText where
toSlabValue = SlabText
fromSlabValue (SlabText t) = Right t
fromSlabValue s =
Left $ "fromSlabValue FaceText: Got " <> T.pack (show s)
instance Hard 'FaceByteString where
toSlabValue = SlabByteString
fromSlabValue (SlabByteString b) = Right b
fromSlabValue s =
Left $ "fromSlabValue FaceByteString: Got " <> T.pack (show s)
class Hard (EngraveFace a) => Engrave a where
type EngraveFace a :: Face
engrave :: a -> FaceType (EngraveFace a)
see :: FaceType (EngraveFace a) -> Either Text a
engrave :: Engrave a => a -> SlabValue
engrave = toSlabValue . engrave
see :: Engrave a => SlabValue -> Either Text a
see = see <=< fromSlabValue
instance Engrave Text where
type EngraveFace Text = 'FaceText
engrave = id
see = Right
instance Engrave ByteString where
type EngraveFace ByteString = 'FaceByteString
engrave = id
see = Right
showError :: Typeable a => Either (Proxy a, Text -> Text) a -> Either Text a
showError = bimap (uncurry errorText) id
errorText :: Typeable b => Proxy b -> (Text -> Text) -> Text
errorText p mk = mk $ T.pack $ show $ typeRep p
newtype EngraveShow a = EngraveShow { unEngraveShow :: a }
instance (Typeable a, Show a, Read a) => Engrave (EngraveShow a) where
type EngraveFace (EngraveShow a) = EngraveFace Text
engrave = engrave . T.pack . show . unEngraveShow
see v = do
t <- see v
showError $
case readEither $ T.unpack t of
Left e ->
Left $ (Proxy,) $ \ typ ->
T.concat [ "Invalid ", typ, ": ", T.pack e, ": ", t]
Right x -> Right $ EngraveShow x
newtype EngraveJSON a = EngraveJSON { unEngraveJSON :: a }
instance (Typeable a, A.FromJSON a, A.ToJSON a) => Engrave (EngraveJSON a) where
type EngraveFace (EngraveJSON a) = EngraveFace ByteString
engrave = BL.toStrict . A.encode . unEngraveJSON
see v = do
bs <- see v
let input = TE.decodeUtf8With TEE.lenientDecode bs -- TE.decodeUtf8Lenient bs
showError $
case A.eitherDecodeStrict' bs of
Left e ->
Left $ (Proxy,) $ \ typ ->
[ "JSON decoding error for ", typ, ": "
, T.pack e, " on input: ", input
Right x -> Right $ EngraveJSON x
newtype EngraveSerialize a = EngraveSerialize { unEngraveSerialize :: a }
instance (Typeable a, S.Serialize a) => Engrave (EngraveSerialize a) where
type EngraveFace (EngraveSerialize a) = EngraveFace ByteString
engrave = engrave . S.encode . unEngraveSerialize
see v = do
b <- see v
showError $
case S.decode b of
Left e ->
Left $ (Proxy,) $
\ typ -> T.concat ["Invalid ", typ, ": ", T.pack e]
Right x -> Right $ EngraveSerialize x
class Slab (s :: Type -> Type) where
-- | Once the slab has been created, it's meant to be used from a single
-- thread. As long as this thread hasn't obliterated the slab, it can
-- 'retrieve' it as many times as it wants.
-- Most likely you want to retrieve once when the thread starts, and
-- retrieve again whenever the thread crashes/restarts and loses access to
-- the slab.
-- If you want multiple threads to have access to the slab's value,
-- 'retrieve' the slab once and then pass the value to those threads.
retrieve :: Engrave a => s a -> IO a
-- | Permanently deletes the slab from the workshop. Meant to be used only
-- from a single thread. Meant to be used only once. After that one use,
-- retrieving or obliterating again will raise an exception.
obliterate :: Engrave a => s a -> IO ()
class Slab (WorkshopSlab w) => Workshop w where
data WorkshopSlab w :: Type -> Type
data WorkshopConfig w :: Type
-- | Unless a specific 'Workshop' instance says otherwise, it's safe to
-- 'load' a workshop only when nothing else is holding access to it: Not
-- your program, not another thread, not another process.
-- You probably want to load your workshop once when your application
-- starts, and reload when the component of your program that uses the
-- workshop is restarted.
load :: Engrave a => WorkshopConfig w -> IO (w a, [WorkshopSlab w a])
-- | Create a new slab with the given value. This must be thread-safe, i.e.
-- different threads can concurrently create new slabs. However, once the
-- slab is obtained, only one thread should use it.
-- If you want multiple threads to have access to the slab's value,
-- 'retrieve' the slab once and then pass the value to those threads.
conceive :: Engrave a => w a -> a -> IO (WorkshopSlab w a)
-- | Clear the workshop. Like 'load', this is safe only if nothing else
-- holds access to the workshop.
vacate :: Engrave a => w a -> IO ()