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- Written in 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2024
- by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
module Development.Darcs
( DarcsT
, withDarcsRepo
, withDarcsRepoE
, darcs
, darcs'
, darcs_
, darcsE
, darcsE_
, writeDefaultsFile
, createRepo
, isDarcsRepo
, DirTree (..)
, darcsGetTree
, lookupTreeItem
, darcsGetFileContent
, darcsListTags
, darcsListTags'
, xml2patch
, darcsLog
, darcsLogLength
, darcsShowCommit
, darcsDiff
, darcsGetHead
, darcsPull
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Tree
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Process.Typed
import Text.Email.Validate
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.XML.Light
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified Data.VersionControl as VC
import Data.ObjId
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except.Local
writeDefaultsFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Text -> Text -> IO ()
writeDefaultsFile path cmd authority repo = do
let file = path </> "_darcs" </> "prefs" </> "defaults"
TIO.writeFile file $ defaultsContent cmd authority repo
setFileMode file $ ownerReadMode .|. ownerWriteMode
defaultsContent :: FilePath -> Text -> Text -> Text
defaultsContent hook authority repo =
[ "apply posthook "
, T.pack hook, " ", authority, " ", repo
-- | initialize a new bare repository at a specific location.
:: FilePath
-- ^ Parent directory which already exists
-> Text
-- ^ Repo keyhashid, i.e. new directory to create under the parent
-> FilePath
-- ^ Path of Vervis hook program
-> Text
-- ^ Instance HTTP authority
-> IO ()
createRepo parent repo cmd authority = do
let path = parent </> T.unpack repo
createDirectory path
runProcess_ $ setStdin nullStream $ proc "darcs" ["init", "--no-working-dir", "--repodir", path]
writeDefaultsFile path cmd authority repo
isDarcsRepo :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isDarcsRepo path = do
items <- listDirectory path
case find (== "_darcs") items of
Nothing -> pure False
Just item -> doesDirectoryExist $ path </> item
type DarcsT m a = ReaderT FilePath m a
withDarcsRepo :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> DarcsT m a -> m a
withDarcsRepo path action = runReaderT action path
type DarcsE m a = ExceptT Text (ReaderT FilePath m) a
withDarcsRepoE :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> DarcsE m a -> ExceptT Text m a
withDarcsRepoE path action = ExceptT $ withDarcsRepo path $ runExceptT action
darcs :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> DarcsT m Text
darcs = darcs' "--repodir"
-- Same as 'darcs', except it alows to specify the name of the property used
-- for the repo path
darcs' :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> [String] -> DarcsT m Text
darcs' repoOption cmd args = do
repo <- ask
lb <- readProcessStdout_ $ setStdin nullStream $ proc "darcs" $ cmd : args ++ [repoOption, repo]
liftIO $ either throwIO return $ TE.decodeUtf8' $ BL.toStrict lb
darcs_ :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> DarcsT m ()
darcs_ cmd args = do
repo <- ask
runProcess_ $ setStdin nullStream $ proc "darcs" $ cmd : args ++ ["--repodir", repo]
darcsE :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> DarcsE m Text
darcsE cmd args = do
repo <- lift ask
(code, lb) <- readProcessStdout $ setStdin nullStream $ proc "darcs" $ [cmd, "--repodir", repo] ++ args
case code of
ExitSuccess -> pure ()
ExitFailure c -> throwE $ "darcsE " <> T.pack cmd <> " exited with code " <> T.pack (show c)
either (throwE . T.pack . displayException) return $ TE.decodeUtf8' $ BL.toStrict lb
darcsE_ :: MonadIO m => String -> [String] -> DarcsE m ()
darcsE_ cmd args = do
repo <- lift ask
code <- runProcess $ setStdin nullStream $ proc "darcs" $ [cmd, "--repodir", repo] ++ args
case code of
ExitSuccess -> pure ()
ExitFailure c -> throwE $ "darcsE_ " <> T.pack cmd <> " exited with code " <> T.pack (show c)
type FileName = String
parseEntry :: Text -> IO (NonEmpty FileName)
parseEntry t =
case splitDirectories $ T.unpack t of
"." : (p : ieces) -> pure $ p :| ieces
_ -> error "parseEntry: Unexpected line format"
parseSkeleton :: Text -> IO [Tree FileName]
parseSkeleton input = do
let lines = T.lines input
lines' <-
case lines of
[] -> error "parseSkeleton: No lines"
"." : ls -> pure ls
_ -> error "parseSkeleton: First line isn't \".\""
entries <- traverse parseEntry lines'
either error pure $ buildTreeE entries
reverseTree (Node label children) = Node label $ reverseForest children
reverseForest trees = map reverseTree $ reverse trees
partitionDirs :: [NonEmpty a] -> ([(a, NonEmpty a)], [(a, [(a, NonEmpty a)])])
partitionDirs = foldr go ([], [])
go (x :| xs) (dir, dirs) =
case xs of
[] -> ([] , (x, dir) : dirs)
(y:ys) -> ((x, y :| ys) : dir, dirs)
partitionDirsE :: (Eq a, Show a) => [NonEmpty a] -> Either String [(a, [NonEmpty a])]
partitionDirsE entries =
let (firsts, dirs) = partitionDirs entries
in if null firsts
then for dirs $ \ (dirname, children) ->
fmap (dirname,) $ for children $ \ (n, ns) ->
if (n == dirname)
then Right ns
else Left $ "Under " ++ show dirname ++ " found " ++ show (n, ns)
else Left $ "First item(s) don't have a parent dir: " ++ show firsts
buildTreeE :: (Eq a, Show a) => [NonEmpty a] -> Either String [Tree a]
buildTreeE entries = do
dirs <- partitionDirsE entries
traverse makeTreeE dirs
makeTreeE :: (Eq a, Show a) => (a, [NonEmpty a]) -> Either String (Tree a)
makeTreeE (name, children) = do
dirs <- partitionDirsE children
trees <- traverse makeTreeE dirs
Right $ Node name trees
data DirTree = DirTree
{ _dtDirs :: [(FileName, DirTree)]
, _dtFiles :: [FileName]
deriving Show
treeToDT :: [Tree FileName] -> DirTree
treeToDT trees = DirTree (map adaptTree trees) []
adaptTree (Node name children) = (name, treeToDT children)
parseFiles :: Text -> IO [NonEmpty FileName]
parseFiles input = do
let lines = T.lines input
traverse parseEntry lines
insertFileE :: NonEmpty FileName -> DirTree -> Either String DirTree
insertFileE = go
go (x :| []) (DirTree dirs files) = Right $ DirTree dirs $ x : files
go (x :| (y : l)) (DirTree dirs files) = do
let (notEq, rest) = break ((== x) . fst) dirs
case rest of
[] -> Left $ show x ++ " not found in " ++ show dirs
((n, tree) : rest') -> do
tree' <- go (y :| l) tree
let dirs' = notEq ++ (n, tree') : rest'
Right $ DirTree dirs' files
darcsGetTree :: MonadIO m => Text -> DarcsT m DirTree
darcsGetTree hash = do
tree <-
darcs "show" ["files", "--no-pending", "--hash", T.unpack hash, "--no-files"] >>=
fmap treeToDT . liftIO . parseSkeleton
files <-
darcs "show" ["files", "--no-pending", "--hash", T.unpack hash, "--no-directories"] >>=
liftIO . parseFiles
either error pure $ foldrM insertFileE tree files
lookupTreeItem :: [FileName] -> DirTree -> Maybe (Either () DirTree)
lookupTreeItem [] tree = Just $ Right tree
lookupTreeItem (n:ns) tree = go (n :| ns) tree
go (x :| []) (DirTree dirs files) =
case lookup x dirs of
Just tree -> Just $ Right tree
Nothing ->
if x `elem` files
then Just $ Left ()
else Nothing
go (x :| (y : l)) (DirTree dirs _) = do
tree <- lookup x dirs
go (y :| l) tree
darcsGetFileContent :: MonadIO m => Text -> FilePath -> DarcsT m Text
darcsGetFileContent hash path =
darcs "show" ["contents", "--hash", T.unpack hash, path]
parseTags :: Text -> IO [Text]
parseTags t = traverse grab $ map T.words $ T.lines t
grab [tag] = pure tag
grab _ = error "Unexpected tag line"
darcsListTags :: MonadIO m => DarcsT m (Set Text)
darcsListTags = do
t <- darcs' "--repo" "show" ["tags"]
ts <- liftIO $ parseTags t
return $ S.fromList ts
darcsListTags' :: MonadIO m => DarcsT m (Map Text ObjId)
darcsListTags' = do
t <- darcs "log" ["--xml-output", "--tags=."]
case parseCommits t of
Nothing -> error "parseCommits failed"
Just cs -> liftIO $ fmap M.fromList $ for cs $ \ c -> do
oid <- parseObjId $ VC.commitHash c
name <-
case T.stripPrefix "TAG " $ VC.commitTitle c of
Nothing -> error "No TAG prefix"
Just n -> pure n
return (name, oid)
xml2patch :: Monad m => Element -> ExceptT Text m VC.Commit
xml2patch elem = do
unless (elName elem == QName "patch" Nothing Nothing) $
throwE $
"Expected <patch>, found: " <> T.pack (show $ elName elem)
(name, email) <- do
t <- T.pack <$> findAttrE "author" elem
parseOnlyE authorP t "author"
date <- do
s <- findAttrE "date" elem
case parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" s of
Nothing -> throwE $ "Date parsing failed: " <> T.pack s
Just t -> return t
hash <- do
t <- T.pack <$> findAttrE "hash" elem
unless (T.length t == 40) $
throwE $ "Expected a hash string of length 40, got: " <> t
return t
inverted <- do
s <- findAttrE "inverted" elem
readMaybeE s $ "Unrecognized inverted value: " <> T.pack s
when inverted $ throwE $ "Found inverted patch " <> hash
title <- T.pack . strContent <$> findChildE "name" elem
description <- do
t <- T.pack . strContent <$> findChildE "comment" elem
parseOnlyE commentP t "comment"
return VC.Commit
{ VC.commitWritten = (VC.Author name email, date)
, VC.commitCommitted = Nothing
, VC.commitHash = hash
, VC.commitTitle = title
, VC.commitDescription = description
readMaybeE s e = fromMaybeE (readMaybe s) e
findAttrE q e =
let ms = findAttr (QName q Nothing Nothing) e
in fromMaybeE ms $ "Couldn't find attr \"" <> T.pack q <> "\""
findChildE q e =
case findChildren (QName q Nothing Nothing) e of
[] -> throwE $ "No children named " <> T.pack q
[c] -> return c
_ -> throwE $ "Multiple children named " <> T.pack q
authorP = (,)
<$> (T.stripEnd <$> A.takeWhile1 (/= '<'))
<* A.skip (== '<')
<*> (A.takeWhile1 (/= '>') >>= emailP)
<* A.skip (== '>')
= maybe (fail "Invalid email") pure
. emailAddress
. TE.encodeUtf8
= A.string "Ignore-this: "
*> A.takeWhile1 isHexDigit
*> (fromMaybe T.empty <$>
optional (A.endOfLine *> A.endOfLine *> A.takeText)
parseOnlyE p t n =
case A.parseOnly (p <* A.endOfInput) t of
Left e ->
throwE $ T.concat ["Parsing ", n, " failed: ", T.pack e]
Right a -> return a
parseCommits :: Text -> Maybe [VC.Commit]
parseCommits input = do
element <- parseXMLDoc input
either (const Nothing) Just $ runExcept $
traverse xml2patch $ elChildren element
darcsLog :: MonadIO m => Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> DarcsT m [VC.Commit]
darcsLog maybeLimit maybeOffset = do
let offset = fromMaybe 0 maybeOffset
limit = fromMaybe 1000000000 maybeLimit
from = offset + 1
to = offset + limit
t <- darcs "log" ["--xml-output", "--index", show from ++ "-" ++ show to]
case parseCommits t of
Just cs -> pure cs
Nothing -> error "parseCommits failed"
darcsLogLength :: MonadIO m => DarcsT m Int
darcsLogLength = pure . read . T.unpack =<< darcs "log" ["--count"]
darcsShowCommit :: MonadIO m => ObjId -> DarcsT m (VC.Commit)
darcsShowCommit oid = do
t <- darcs "log" ["--xml-output", "--hash", T.unpack $ renderObjId oid]
case parseCommits t of
Just [c] -> pure c
Just _ -> error "darcs expected to return exactly one patch"
Nothing -> error "parseCommits failed"
darcsDiff :: MonadIO m => ObjId -> DarcsT m Text
darcsDiff patchOid =
let patchHash = renderObjId patchOid
in darcs "diff" ["--hash", T.unpack patchHash]
darcsGetHead :: MonadIO m => DarcsT m Text
darcsGetHead = do
cs <- darcsLog (Just 1) Nothing
case cs of
[c] -> pure $ VC.commitHash c
_ -> error "darcsGetHead: Expected exactly one patch"
darcsPull :: MonadIO m => Text -> DarcsT m ()
darcsPull u = darcs_ "pull" ["--all", T.unpack u]