OAuth2 server subsite for Yesod web apps
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- Written in 2020 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
- ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
- The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
- rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
- distributed without any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Dvara.Handler
( getRandomCode
, getDvaraAuth
, parseScopes
, writeScopes
, postApplicationsR
, getVerifyCredsR
, getAuthorizeR
, postAuthorizeR
, postTokenR
, postRevokeR
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Crypto.Random
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Int
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Traversable
import Database.Persist
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Network.URI
import Yesod.Auth
import Yesod.Core
import Yesod.Form
import Yesod.Persist.Core
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as B64U
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Dvara.Class
import Dvara.Field
import Dvara.Foundation
import Dvara.Model
import Dvara.Types
getRandomCode :: IO Text
getRandomCode = TE.decodeUtf8 . B64U.encode <$> getRandomBytes 32
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, MonadHandler m
, HandlerSite m ~ site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
=> m (Maybe (AuthId site))
maybeAuthId' = runMaybeT $ MaybeT maybeAuthId <|> maybeDvaraAuth
maybeDvaraAuth = do
(_, maid, _) <- MaybeT $ liftHandler getDvaraAuth
MaybeT $ pure maid
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, MonadHandler m
, HandlerSite m ~ site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
=> m (AuthId site)
requireAuthId' = do
maid <- maybeAuthId'
case maid of
Nothing -> requireAuthId
Just aid -> return aid
data AppInfo = AppInfo
{ appName :: Text
, appWebsite :: Maybe URI
, appRepo :: Maybe URI
:: (Monad m, HandlerSite m ~ site, YesodAuthDvara site)
=> NonEmpty Text -> m (Either Text (NonEmpty (YesodAuthDvaraScope site)))
parseScopes = pure . first T.pack . traverse parseScope
writeScopes :: DvaraScope a => NonEmpty a -> Scopes
writeScopes = Scopes . NE.map renderScope
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
=> Text -> HandlerFor site (Maybe (AppInfo, Maybe (AuthId site), NonEmpty (YesodAuthDvaraScope site)))
checkAuthToken token = runDB $ do
mtok <- getBy $ UniqueToken token
for mtok $ \ (Entity _ tok) -> do
app <- getJust $ tokenClient tok
site <- getYesod
let info =
(applicationName app)
(unPersistURI <$> applicationWebsite app)
(unPersistURI <$> applicationRepo app)
return (info, either error id . parseAuthId site <$> tokenUser tok, either error id . traverse parseScope $ unScopes $ tokenScopes tok)
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
=> HandlerFor site (Maybe (AppInfo, Maybe (AuthId site), NonEmpty (YesodAuthDvaraScope site)))
getDvaraAuth = runMaybeT $ do
t <- MaybeT lookupBearerAuth
MaybeT $ liftHandler $ checkAuthToken t
data NewApp s = NewApp
{ newAppName :: Text
, newAppRedirect :: Redirect
, newAppScopes :: NonEmpty s
, newAppWebsite :: Maybe URI
, newAppRepo :: Maybe URI
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistStoreWrite backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
, RenderMessage site FormMessage
=> SubHandler site Encoding
postApplicationsR = do
NewApp name redir scopes website repo <- do
result <- runInputPostResult form
case result of
FormMissing -> err "Input missing"
FormFailure ts -> err $ "Validation error: " <> T.intercalate "; " ts
FormSuccess a -> return a
public <- liftIO getRandomCode
private <- liftIO getRandomCode
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftHandler $ runDB $ insert_ Application
{ applicationCreated = now
, applicationName = name
, applicationWebsite = PersistURI <$> website
, applicationRepo = PersistURI <$> repo
, applicationRedirect = redir
, applicationClient = public
, applicationSecret = private
, applicationScopes = writeScopes scopes
return $ pairs
( "client_id" .= public
<> "client_secret" .= private
form = NewApp
<$> ireq textField "client_name"
<*> ireq redirectField "redirect_uris"
<*> ioptDef scopeField "scopes" defaultScopes
<*> iopt httpUriField "website"
<*> iopt httpUriField "repository"
err :: MonadHandler m => Text -> m a
err t = sendResponseStatus unprocessableEntity422 $ pairs $ "error" .= t
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
=> SubHandler site Encoding
getVerifyCredsR = do
minfo <- liftHandler getDvaraAuth
case minfo of
Nothing -> err "Invalid access token"
Just (AppInfo name website repo, _, _) -> return $ pairs
( "name" .= name
<> "website" .= (PersistURI <$> website)
<> "repository" .= (PersistURI <$> repo)
err :: MonadHandler m => Text -> m a
err t = sendResponseStatus unauthorized401 $ pairs $ "error" .= t
data Authorization s = Authorization
{ authForceLogin :: Bool
, authResponseType :: Text
, authClient :: Text
, authRedirect :: Redirect
, authScope :: NonEmpty s
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
=> SubHandler site Html
getAuthorizeR = do
_ <- requireAuthId'
result <- runInputPostResult form
(client, redir, scopes) <-
case result of
FormMissing -> err "Input missing"
FormFailure ts -> err $ "Validation error: " <> T.intercalate "; " ts
FormSuccess (Authorization _force response c r s) -> do
unless (response == "code") $ err "response_type isn't 'code'"
return (c, r ,s)
application <- liftHandler $ runDB $ do
mapp <- getBy $ UniqueApplication client
Entity _appid app <-
case mapp of
Nothing -> err "Invalid client_id"
Just a -> return a
unless (redir == applicationRedirect app) $ err "redirect_uri mismatch"
appScopes <-
either err return =<<
parseScopes (unScopes $ applicationScopes app)
unless (all (`elem` appScopes) scopes) $ err "Invalid scope"
return app
let params =
[ ("response_type", "code")
, ("client_id", client)
, ("redirect_uri", renderRedirect redir)
, ("scope", renderScopes $ writeScopes scopes)
tp <- getRouteToParent
liftHandler $ defaultLayout $ authorizationWidget (applicationName application) scopes (tp AuthorizeR) params
form = Authorization
<$> ioptDef booleanField "force_login" False
<*> ireq textField "response_type"
<*> ireq textField "client_id"
<*> ireq redirectField "redirect_uri"
<*> ioptDef scopeField "scope" defaultScopes
err :: MonadHandler m => Text -> m a
err t = sendResponseStatus badRequest400 $ pairs $ "error" .= t
renderRedirect (RedirectURI u) = T.pack $ show u
renderRedirect RedirectDisplay = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
=> SubHandler site Html
postAuthorizeR = do
user <- requireAuthId'
(client, redir, scopes) <- do
result <- runInputGetResult form
case result of
FormMissing -> err "Input missing"
FormFailure ts -> err $ "Validation error: " <> T.intercalate "; " ts
FormSuccess r -> return r
code <- liftHandler $ runDB $ do
mapp <- getBy $ UniqueApplication client
Entity appid app <-
case mapp of
Nothing -> err "Invalid client_id"
Just a -> return a
unless (redir == applicationRedirect app) $ err "redirect_uri mismatch"
appScopes <-
either err return =<<
parseScopes (unScopes $ applicationScopes app)
unless (all (`elem` appScopes) scopes) $ err "Invalid scope"
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
randomCode <- liftIO getRandomCode
site <- getYesod
insert_ Code
{ codeCreated = now
, codeExpires = addUTCTime 300 now -- 5 minutes
, codeClient = appid
, codeCode = randomCode
, codeScopes = writeScopes scopes
, codeUser = renderAuthId site user
return randomCode
case redir of
RedirectURI u -> redirect $ show $ addCodeParam u code
RedirectDisplay -> liftHandler $ defaultLayout [whamlet|Your code is: #{code}|]
verifyCsrfToken = runFormPost $ renderDivs $ pure ()
form = (,,)
<$> ireq textField "client_id"
<*> ireq redirectField "redirect_uri"
<*> ireq scopeField "scope"
err :: MonadHandler m => Text -> m a
err t = sendResponseStatus badRequest400 $ pairs $ "error" .= t
addCodeParam u code =
let q = uriQuery u
prefix = if null q then '?' else '&'
param = "code=" ++ T.unpack code
q' = q ++ prefix : param
in u { uriQuery = q' }
data GrantType = GrantAuthCode | GrantClientCreds
data NewToken s = NewToken
{ newTokenClient :: Text
, newTokenSecret :: Text
, newTokenRedirect :: Redirect
, newTokenScope :: NonEmpty s
, newTokenCode :: Maybe Text
, newTokenGrantType :: GrantType
:: ( YesodAuthDvara site
, YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
, RenderMessage site FormMessage
=> SubHandler site Encoding
postTokenR = do
NewToken client secret redir scopes mcode grant <- do
result <- runInputPostResult form
case result of
FormMissing -> err "Input missing"
FormFailure ts -> err $ "Validation error: " <> T.intercalate "; " ts
FormSuccess nt -> return nt
case (mcode, grant) of
(Nothing, GrantAuthCode) -> err "Grant and code mismatch"
(Just _, GrantClientCreds) -> err "Grant and code mismatch"
_ -> return ()
(token, time) <- liftHandler $ runDB $ do
mapp <- getBy $ UniqueApplication client
Entity appid app <-
case mapp of
Nothing -> authError
Just a -> return a
unless (secret == applicationSecret app) authError
unless (redir == applicationRedirect app) $ err "redirect_uri mismatch"
appScopes <-
either err return =<<
parseScopes (unScopes $ applicationScopes app)
unless (all (`elem` appScopes) scopes) $ err "Invalid scope"
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
muser <- for mcode $ \ code -> do
mc <- getBy $ UniqueCode appid code
Entity cid (Code _ expires _ _ (Scopes scopes') user) <-
case mc of
Nothing -> authError
Just c -> return c
unless (expires < now) authError
codeScopes <- either err return =<< parseScopes scopes'
unless (all (`elem` codeScopes) scopes) $ err "Invalid scope"
delete cid
return user
t <- liftIO getRandomCode
insert_ Token
{ tokenCreated = now
, tokenClient = appid
, tokenToken = t
, tokenScopes = writeScopes scopes
, tokenUser = muser
return (t, now)
return $ pairs
( "access_token" .= token
<> "token_type" .= ("Bearer" :: Text)
<> "scope" .= writeScopes scopes
<> "created_at" .= (floor (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds time) :: Int64)
form = NewToken
<$> ireq textField "client_id"
<*> ireq textField "client_secret"
<*> ireq redirectField "redirect_uri"
<*> ioptDef scopeField "scope" defaultScopes
<*> iopt textField "code"
<*> ireq grantField "grant_type"
grantField = checkMMap (pure . toGrant) fromGrant textField
toGrant :: Text -> Either Text GrantType
toGrant "authorization_code" = Right GrantAuthCode
toGrant "client_credentials" = Right GrantClientCreds
toGrant _ = Left "Unrecognized grant type"
fromGrant GrantAuthCode = "authorization_code"
fromGrant GrantClientCreds = "client_credentials"
err :: MonadHandler m => Text -> m a
err t = sendResponseStatus badRequest400 $ pairs $ "error" .= t
authError =
sendResponseStatus unauthorized401 $ pairs $
"error" .= ("Client authentication failed" :: Text)
data Revocation = Revocation
{ revocClient :: Text
, revocSecret :: Text
, revocToken :: Text
:: ( YesodPersist site
, YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
, PersistUniqueRead backend
, PersistStoreWrite backend
, PersistStoreWrite (BaseBackend backend)
, RenderMessage site FormMessage
=> SubHandler site Encoding
postRevokeR = do
Revocation client secret token <- do
result <- runInputPostResult form
case result of
FormMissing -> err "Input missing"
FormFailure ts -> err $ "Validation error: " <> T.intercalate "; " ts
FormSuccess r -> return r
liftHandler $ runDB $ do
mapp <- getBy $ UniqueApplication client
Entity appid app <-
case mapp of
Nothing -> err "Client authentication failed"
Just a -> return a
unless (secret == applicationSecret app) $ err "Client authentication failed"
mtok <- getBy $ UniqueToken token
Entity tokid tok <-
case mtok of
Nothing -> err "Not authorized to revoke this token"
Just t -> return t
unless (appid == tokenClient tok) $ err "Not authorized to revoke this token"
delete tokid
return $ pairs mempty
form = Revocation
<$> ireq textField "client_id"
<*> ireq textField "client_secret"
<*> ireq textField "token"
err :: MonadHandler m => Text -> m a
err t = sendResponseStatus forbidden403 $ pairs $ "error" .= t