Mirror of the Rel4tion website/wiki source, view at <http://rel4tion.org>
git clone https://vervis.peers.community/repos/yEzqv
git clone USERNAME@vervis.peers.community:yEzqv
Here you can find documentation of the various tools and ways to interact with the content and with the computing resources on Rel4tion’s server. This includes all the git repositories (the wiki is one of them), additional access used for the wiki (e.g. web interface, sftp), general use communication services (e.g. jabber, bitlbee, infinote) and maybe other things.
The information provided includes quick “HowTo”s and “Getting Started”s, guides and instructions for administering the server, and general purpose user and admin guides that can be applied on any server.
Services offered and systems (possibly) running are tagged as follows:
- [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] Running
- [[!color foreground=#c4a000 text=“(o)”]] Installed and configured, but offline right now
- [[!color foreground=#cc0000 text=“(e)”]] Same, but due to error
- [[!color foreground=#3465a4 text=“(c)”]] Configured, just needs to be installed
- [[!color foreground=#d3d7cf text=“(_)”]] Nothing yet, maybe just plans or coding
Also appended tags:
- [[!color foreground=#75507b text=“Needs testing”]]
- [[!color foreground=#ef2929 text=“Has issue”]] (e.g. needs the admin for signup)
Initial Steps
- [[TLS]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]]
- [[GPG]]
- [[OpenNIC]]
Content Access
- [[WWW]] - connecting to the services and browsing the webpages safely, securely and even anonymously (if you want)
- [[Wiki]] - finding your way and participating in the wiki, including the issue trackers, forums and other subsystems
- [[FTP]] - file server containing software releases, wiki portions and more
- [[Git]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - all the source code and even this wiki is in git repositories
- [[Darcs]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - actually some of it is in darcs repositories
- [[SSH]] - secure server access for authentication and administration
- [[Wiki SFTP|wiki-sftp]] - upload large/binary files to the wiki
- [[Wiki Personal SFTP|wiki-personal-sftp]] - personal folders on the wiki
- [[MediaGoblin]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] [[!color foreground=#ef2929 text=“Registration only through admin”]] - share documents, images, audio, video and even ascii art
- [[BitTorrent]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - distributed sharing of files, including release tarballs
- [[Pootle]] [[!color foreground=#d3d7cf text=“(_)”]] - translate application UIs and other content into your local language
- [[HERITAGE]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - text adventure game engine in your web browser, along with games made here
Collaboration Tools
- [[Infinote]] [[!color foreground=#3465a4 text=“(c)”]] - real-time collaborative text editing
- [[Paste]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - quickly and easily share text/code snippets
- [[vnc-and-x-over-ssh]] - screen sharing and graphical remote computer access
- [[gnu-screen-terminal-sharing]] - sharing terminals and working remotely
- [[IRC]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - chat channels for general and development discussion
- [[Mailing Lists|mailing-lists]] - topic-based news and group discussions using e-mail
- [[Jabber]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - instant messaging between people and groups, and public chatrooms
- [[Relay]] [[!color foreground=#d3d7cf text=“(_)”]] - Instant messaging room/channel relay, e.g. for Jabber, IRC, Tox
- [[Tox]] - serverless instant messaging with group chat, audio/video and file sharing support (Tox is young and some of these things don’t fully work)
- [[Bitlbee]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - access various instant messaging networks using just an IRC client
- [[SIP]] [[!color foreground=#3465a4 text=“(c)”]] [[!color foreground=#ef2929 text=“Is GNU SIP complete / has encryption?”]] - audio/video calls over the Internet
- [[Mumble]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] [[!color foreground=#75507b text=“Needs testing”]] - audio calls and text messaging
- [[E-mail]] [[!color foreground=#4e9a06 text=“(r)”]] - non-instant message passing between people and groups
- [[I2PBote]] - distributed serverless encrypted anonymity-supporting message passing, as an alternative to e-mail
wip section, a.k.a TODO
infinote, etherpad, SIP, distributed forum, cjdns, tahoe, pootle, media conversions, yacy