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There is a [[Bitlbee|http://bitlbee.org]] instance running at bee.rel4tion.org. It allows users to access a variety of instance messaging (IM) systems and protocols using an IRC client. You connect to Bitlbee using IRC, and it handles the connection to e.g. Jabber.

This place also has a [[Jabber]] server (independently of Bitlbee, you don’t have to use it).


Registration is required. It’s done manually by [[fr33domlover]]. He can send you your username and initial password (which you should probably change) via encrypted e-mail, or Jabber+OTR, or IRC+OTR, or Tox - whatever you prefer.

The SSL certificate is signed by the Rel4tion CA. If you’d like to trust the CA itself (and not just the Bitlbee certificate), see [[TLS]].

Here’s a usage example. It’s for [[Weechat|http://weechat.org]] but works in similar fashion for other IRC clients.

Add the server:

/server add bitlbee bee.rel4tion.org/6661 -ssl -autoconnect

Tell Weechat to automatically identify you to Bitlbee (note that you’ll need to update this is you set a new password for Bitlbee):

/set irc.server.bitlbee.command "/msg -server bitlbee &bitlbee identify yourpasswordhere"

In the &bitlbee channel, add a Jabber server:

account add jabber joe@jabber.org yourjabberpassword

Join the Rel4tion community channel. It’s another way to discuss, ask for help and so on, but you just use #rel4tion on Freenode for this. You are free to choose.

chat add 0 community@muc.rel4tion.org #rel4-community
/join #rel4-community

For Bitlbee related questions:

Have fun!

[See repo JSON]