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Claws Mail Configuration

According to the MUA (Mail User Agent) comparison written by postman, Claws is the best when it comes to privacy and anonymity. Thunderbird is quite close, but Claws also has the advantage of being very lightweight, thus suitable for systems which struggle a bit with Thunderbird, or if you just don’t need all the power of Thunderbird and want to simple clean e-mail interface.

Postman roughtly mentions the settings which need to be changed, but the exact configuration is not specified. Since it was a bit difficult for me to do all the necessary steps and things didn’t work out of the box, I decided to publish my Claws configuration so you can use it and enjoy Claws without the trouble.

The configuration was used with Claws 3.8.1-2, the same version provided by the Debian 7 stable package. You can install clawsker if you want access to more configuration options, but none of what clawsker edits is relevant to anonymity.

If you have problems, it may be caused by client tunnnel configuration. Configure the tunnels as explained on postman’s website and telnet to them following the examples. If it succeeds, the problem is probably in Claws’ configuration.

Assume the pseudonym of the user is Alice. Settings which prevent Claws from sending sensitive data (such as the local hostname, username, platform, local time, etc.) are written in bold font. Make sure you at least go over all the bold parts and adapt your configuration.

Account Settings









Compose -> Templates

You can make it easier by defining a BASH alias for claws-mail and creating a .desktop file (copy the original Claws .desktop file, and change the ‘exec’ field to point to a script which begins with #!/bin/sh and then the two lines above).

Other -> Miscellaneous


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