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[[TODO|TODO/OPEN]] this is taken from an e-mail: write an intro paragraph, explain more, link to opennic website…

It applies to Debian and to any other distro which supplies the same GUI. Maybe even Ubuntu with GNOME uses it too, I didn’t check. I guess you could title it “for GNU/Linux with NetworkManager”. Here it is:

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You may configure DNS using a GUI by launching nm-connection-editor. Either via the command line, or via the graphical menu as System Tools → Network or a similar path depending on your menu setup, or from the network icon on the desktop panel. After launching:

  1. Choose a connection (from the Wired or Wireless tab) and click Edit.
  2. Click on the IPv4 Settings tab
  3. Choose ‘Automatic (DHCP) addresses only’ instead of just ‘Automatic (DHCP)’.
  4. Enter the DNS servers in the “DNS servers” field, separated by commas.
  5. Click “Apply.”
  6. Disconnect and reconnect to the same connection
  7. Test it by browsing, e.g. to http://www.opennicproject.org and to http://www.register.dyn, and make sure your browser successfully loads both.
[See repo JSON]