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Application user interfaces can be localized, i.e. adapted to the various parameters local to the user’s computer. Language, currency, length unit and so on. Most of the localization work is translating all the strings in the UI from a source language (usually English) into some other language.

When [[fr33domlover]] was spending more time on translations and GUIs, he examined the various related technologies. Two common setups are:

Several of the popular translation servers are proprietary software that runs on some company’s online translation service website. Sadly, several big free software projects are still using them. After examining the free software options, good solutions seem to be:

  1. Either use plain PO files,
  2. Or run an instance of Pootle, a free-software translation server

Rel4tion hasn’t involved much UI so far, so there was no much need for running Pootle. Perhaps there will be an instance running in the future. It is recommended you try the Pootle instance run by the GNU project.

[See repo JSON]