Mirror of the Rel4tion website/wiki source, view at <http://rel4tion.org>
git clone https://vervis.peers.community/repos/yEzqv
git clone USERNAME@vervis.peers.community:yEzqv
This page lists messages which may require attention, usually for a limited period of time. It is like a “message of the day” (motd) page. A good way to use it may be to subscribe your mail/RSS reader to the feed. When you see something important, pin it to your calendar/todo-list. In the future this page may be integrated with a calendar.
Note that I’m not keeping irrelevant pages. I delete items when they are not relevant anymore, and the only way to see them then is the Git history. I don’t know how well RSS works when items are being deleted. If there seems to be any problem, please tell me.
[[!inline pages="bulletin-board/ and !bulletin-board//* and !bulletin-board/Discussion" show=“0”]]