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[[!tag /news]]
I got the new hard disk and a USB-to-SATA cable. I thought I’d use a separate computer to work on it while running the server as usual, but there’s a problem: The only computer I have access to which doesn’t require nonfree software for connecting to the network is the server itself.
I can do many things without the network, but I do need to install several external packages…
Actually, there may be a way: Get an ethernet cable. Maybe a wired connection will work. I’ll try to get one tomorrow. If it doesn’t help, I’ll have to move to the new disk very early, but I’ll have the old one available for quickly installing all the things.
I imagine not many people - if anyone at all - is reading or using this server. But it does participate in some networks and systems, so I do want to minimize its downtime. For example, it’s an introducer and a storage node in I2P’s Tahoe LAFS and it shares many torrents in I2P and in the clearnet.