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master :: news /


[[!tag /news]] [[!meta title=“Bitlbee and Possible Break”]]


For several months, actually maybe over a year, this server has been running a Bitlbee instance. I use it to connect to Jabber through my IRC client.

As usual, when I installed it I thought about making it public. But somehow I eventually never got to set it up, perhaps because some extra steps are required. So it kept listening on localhost and all was well.

Finally, the instance is available for public use with SSL support (which I’m failing to test right now, but by the time you read this it will probably be tested and working). Manual account creation is required. Feel free to ask, but first make sure we are AFK/IRC/Jabber/Tox/e-mail friends and trust each other. There is already one new user, in addition to myself :-)

Usage info: [[/access/bitlbee]].

Possible Break

In the last days I’ve been working on a HERITAGE game called “Box”. My HERITAGE games can be played at [[!rel4sub heritage]]. Once I finish it, in a next few days, I’m considering to take a break.

From the computer.

For several weeks, right now the plan is 4 weeks, I’ll use computers only for university things. And I’ll check e-mail in case there are any important issues or bugs with the server. This server will continue to run as usual, 24/7. I just won’t write any code or read any news, won’t be on IRC and so on.

Also, I’m not sure I’ll be back to normal after the break. But in that case, I’ll write another news item.

This is also a chance for the server to run for a while like a dedicated server. No X running, no GUI applications, no file conversions.

More updates soon.

[[!meta author=fr33domlover]]

[See repo JSON]