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[[!tag /news]] [[!meta title=“Conversions a.k.a What is Going On”]]


This morning I asked myself: If someone is interested in Rel4tion and is trying to follow the progress, how would they know what’s being done?

At least for the current work, updates can be followed by:

I don’t expect anyone to actually do these things. Each project has a news section, and there’s a roadmap, and there is a work-in-progress page. But I rarely make per-project news items or update the work-in-progress page. Since some things happened since the last news update about my Haskell coding, I decided to write a news update.


I made some releases to Hackage. The packages are probably quite useless right now, because they’re mostly helpers and tools for the actual parsers and APIs. The higher-level components being developed are:

The plan right now is to implement basic datastores using simple in-memory graphs, Kort files and eventually Idan files too. Then, if it fits into later schedules and plans, I’ll take some existing application and implement Smaoin support for it. Just something minimal to see and show the system in action, do some real-world testing and get feedback.

What’s Going On

I’m working on language-kort’s ticket #[[/projects/language-kort/tickets/3]], writing data conversions for use in the writer and in conversions to and from the Smaoin data types. After this, making the package ready for testing and the first release should be trivial.

In the process, I’m creating some utility packages. They have project pages, darcs repos and Hackage releases too. When things get closer to being useful, I’ll write a tutorial to explain how to do things with Smaoin and how all these components work together.

Development is going a bit slowly due to various reasons, but overall I’m making progress. I also feel it’s becoming reasonably easy to join and contribute, with the various Haskell components in place and with the projects section somewhat organized. If anyone wishes to help, don’t hesitate to ask :)


Just in case you’re not sure what all of this is good for, here’s a quick reminder.

Smaoin is a semantic information model, more-or-less in the same category as RDF and Gellish. Razom is an information access and management interface based on Smaoin. Rel4tion is a semantic information computing model and environment whose core is Razom. The current development work is implementing the tools needed for a basic version of Razom to be released.

I started this project mainly because existing solutions, including RDF, didn’t seem to fit and solve the problems I saw. Some goals and philosophy of Rel4tion are:

[[!meta author=fr33domlover]]

[See repo JSON]