Mirror of the Rel4tion website/wiki source, view at <http://rel4tion.org>

[[ 🗃 ^yEzqv rel4tion-wiki ]] :: [📥 Inbox] [📤 Outbox] [🐤 Followers] [🤝 Collaborators] [🛠 Commits]


HTTPS: git clone https://vervis.peers.community/repos/yEzqv

SSH: git clone USERNAME@vervis.peers.community:yEzqv



master :: news /


[[!tag /news]] [[!meta title=“The new Darcs Hub”]]

So far, the Darcs repositories have been served using Darcsweb at [[!rel4sub darcs]]. This supports just a web view, and contributions could be taken only by applying patches from external locations. Listing branches and convenient per-user repo lists weren’t available.

During the last few days I set up an instance of DarcsDen to replace Darcsweb and provide many collaboration features. Rel4tion’s repos will soon move there. I’m not sure yet about the subdomain though - currently it’s dev but it could be changed to darcs once Darcsweb goes down.

There will also be the work of updating wiki templates, and URLs in all moved packages. I’ll do this step by step.

Changing the domain from dev to darcs shouln’t be hard, but it’s probably a good idea to decide before URLs are updated everywhere. We’ll see.

[[!rel4sub dev]]

A note on CSS: So far I’ve tried to keep CSS matching across the wiki, git and darcs web UIs. But with DarcsDen it may be a bit more complicated. For now I’m keeping the default CSS. Perhaps I’ll try playing with it a bit later.

[[!meta author=fr33domlover]]

[See repo JSON]