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[[!tag /news]]
First news item! To be honest, there isn’t anything special to report. I just want to test the news setup, and have a non-empty list.
I created two new pages, [news] and [[olds]]. I’m still not sure what kind of news will go there, but I know some things will. Recently I had a news item I wanted to publish, but there wasn’t any good place for it in existing pages. I came to a conclusion I need a general-purpose news page. I could even use it for specific-topic news, and tag the news items by topic.
I’ll try it, give it time and see how it goes.
I’m going to setup an e-mail server. I intended to for long time, but I was too busy. My intention for most of that time was to use Dovecot and Exim/Postfix.
Recently I gave it another thought, and decided Citadel may be much better. It is scalable and easy to install, and provides many features pure mail servers don’t. Many of them are useful and having them automatically would be great. For example, a calendar server for sharing and synchronizing events.
Citadel also offers a Jabber server, but it doesn’t have Federation support. I’m considering to keep Prosody.
Citadel also has wiki and blog support, at least in recent versions. This can be cool but somewhat redundant, because I have this wiki already. On the other hand, it won’t hurt to have a separate space for unrelated personal content.
In the last few days I made progress with the SSL support. Due to the overload of tasks in Partager, I usually leave small open ends if I don’t close them fast enough. If I forget the details, I usually don’t go back to them unless I do some TODO-triage day. This time I decided to write about my use of SSL and create an admin guide in parallel to the actual setup work. Like I did with the git server, but this time the formatting and links are good, and I’m using the trail plugin for prev/next/up link insertion.
I just started, so the admin guide isn’t useful it. You can find it [[here|projects/systems/admin-guides/ssl]]. Later I’ll write a user guide too.
My first priority is HTTPS support for the web server, including the Gitweb interface, I2P and Tor access channels and the HTTP dirlisting access to the public FTP content.