Mirror of the Rel4tion website/wiki source, view at <http://rel4tion.org>
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[[!tag /news]]
On the 1st of August, i.e. 2014-08-01, the server will be moving to a new place. It may take me several days to arrange everything:
- Update the DNS records to the new IP address
- Arrange an internet connection, which may be with a new ISP
- If the new ISP switches IP addresses too quickly, I’ll need to ask for a static IP address
- Arrange the physical location, connection to power socket, etc.
The server is moving because I’m moving, which means I have many other things to take care of: packing all the things, unpacking them, bills and bureaucracy issues and so on.
I don’t think anyone is visiting this wiki, but
- You never know
- I’m getting used to a community-supporting system and learning how to use it