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Become truly free. Not depend on any government. Not pay taxes, not have a boring depressing job. Do what you love, build a society based on freedom and peace, cooperation and brotherhood.

The biggest obstacle to these things - once you decided you want them - is that we depend on money so much. Once you eliminate the job, the taxes, the centralized access to food, to power sources, to water sources, to materials - you are free to do as you like. Doing them alone is probably easier than doing them on a community level - just get a tent and go live in the woods. It’s actually much more complicated than that, but the bare personal minimum can be very little. The problem is that it doesn’t last. It doesn’t grow unless whole families do it, and pass it on to the children. So this is an important aspect as well - make it work on family/community level, so it can grow with each generation and bring freedom to humankind.

Unlike in the case of authority-based micro-states, the goal here isn’t to have my own rules and my own police and my own taxes in my own new country. The idea is to not have them at all. There may be traditions and ways people behave, a foundation of morality and values that bring us harmony with nature and with each other - but there is no law. No violence. No jail. No army. No police. No borders. No hate.

The point is to get space on Earch to be countryless. Without any government telling you how to live and asking for money. Just you, your family, your friends, your community, nature and the stars.

It’s also very important to:

  1. Know how to survive sustainably in this new space
  2. Know what to do - when you have time suddenly, what do you do with it? A system of education is needed, and a theory of practices and fields of knowledge and endeavor. The theory actually exists already, but a practical guide needs to be assembled.

Collecting Information

How to get space:

  1. Declare independence where you live
  2. Buy an island
  3. Start a community in an existing autonomous area
  4. Build a raft

It’s possible to buy an island. But it’s limited to islands and very very very expensive:


At the time of writing, the cheapest island costs 29500 Canadian d0llars.

There’s the following WikiHow page. Remember WikiHow is under an NC license. And more things:

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