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master :: people / fr33domlover /


Many peope have small magnets containig ads (for fast food, technicians, etc.) on their fridge, on their entrance door and generally in visible places. People who have magnets for their money-centered business tend to stick them everywhere they can. I have a lot of these two, so I decided to write my own messages on them and spread them in the neighborhood.

What should I write?

I’m taking ideas from [[clothing]]. Hebrew, the local language here, is highly preferred. I can more safely use English in magnets for the univer$ity, since most people there probably have at least a reasonable level of English.


[[!template id=rtl text="""



TODO adapt all the stuff below for magnets

Ideas for shirt content

Quotes and specific text:


[[!template id=rtl text="""


My own ideas for shirt content, possibly based on quotes

Also in Hebrew

[[!template id=rtl text="""


[See repo JSON]