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I seek the truth. I seek the good and right way to live life. I seek the path of harmony, peace, love, unity and brotherhood.

Changes in these pages can be tracked using the RSS feed generated from [[Git history|http://git.rel4tion.org/?p=wiki.git;a=history;f=people/fr33domlover]], or using [[bytime]].

Life, Philosophy, Writing

I learn from everything, and I think a lot. So my thinking and understanding changes fast. Yesterday I was sure about something, but today I realize I was mistaken. This is healthy development, but it makes it difficult to maintain written notes, since I have to update them all the time.

The result is that many notes are in outdated or partially outdated state. Even if I don’t update some page, I’m trying to add comments which separate the recent “reliable” ones from the possibly outdated ones.

I don’t write much. Most of my ideas aren’t written here in any organized form. It’s probably possible to collect them only by reading IRC logs, e-mail threads, forum posts and so on. Some of the little I do write can be found below.

Issues, Aspects, Problems and Solutions

There is a deep link between knowledge and action. Filling your life with positive actions is critical. It doesn’t even matter how big or how small they are. Even the smallest things, like making a careful step to avoid stepping on an ant, or reusing a piece of paper, affects your thinking and promotes harmony in your life and in the lives of those around you.

The actions discussed in the pages listed below range from small symbolic things to critical major life choices which save lives. I’m trying to document some of my activities and my progress.

Computers & Technical

These are technical notes, short tutorials, utility scripts and other small items related to computers and software. Some of these may be outdated a bit, but the actual technical instructions are probably relevant.

Some report notes:


Soul Poison



Libre Culture


Hebrew OCR:

Debian packaging:

Ikiwiki translation to Hebrew:

World citizen:

Contact Information

Me in Hebrew: [[here|hebrew]].


If you haven’t heard about GPG and e-mail privacy yet, see this guide. Claws Mail, Evolution and IceDove/Thunderbird support it well, and I assume many other MUAs do too. But remember that surviving under tyranny doesn’t remove the tyranny. In other words, you should move away from the privacy abusing centralized huge providers like g00gle, m1cr0$oft, yah00, etc. and use providers that care about people, or start your own if you can. Good ones are Riseup, Inventati and Resist, and there are probably more. Sharing a home server with friends can be a great idea too.

My addresses:

GPG key info:

You can get this key from a keyserver using gpg --recv-keys. This is the preferred method. But you can also ask me on IRC or Tox etc. to send it to you. You can also find the key [[here|key]], and gpg --import it. But this should be done while browing here with HTTPS and a trusted certificate. Or ask me when you do, to make sure you get the correct page (otherwise you could browse to a fake page and someone else will read private messages meant only for me).


I welcome, prefer and encourage the use of OTR in Jabber conversations. OTR is supported by several popular (and less popular) Jabber clients and should be easy to use. If you can’t use OTR for any reason, you can use IRC channels/private messages instead. But since it’s not as private as OTR, use only OTR for sensitive things.


I’m present on several IRC servers and channels. Normally I’m online 24/7, but with “away” status when I’m not in front of a computer. If I don’t respond, it probably means I’m not there and I’ll see your message when I come back.

If you want to talk OTR but can’t use Jabber, I’m also available on IRC with OTR.


Currently I run Toxic with the following ID:


You can also find me on the group chat. To get there, add groupbot@toxme.se to your contacts and follow the instructions it sends you.


I just have a Pump.io account at https://microca.st/fr33domlover. I’m not very active there, but feel free to contact me there.

I’d prefer a console client like Muon, but it’s still incomplete. And I don’t think I can really contribute there without understanding Mutt and Pump.io first. So for now, I’m using Pumpa, a GUI client written in C++ and Qt. Maybe at some point, when I understand things better, I’ll try Muon.


Random thoughts and a tiny bit of technical things: [[blog]]. I don’t write much. It’s just a place for thoughts and things that don’t belong anywhere else. I also write the [[/news]].

[FSF Associate Member]

(I don’t care at all whether I’m your FSF member referrer or not.)

My Open Tickets

Most tickets in the wiki aren’t assigned yet, even if I’m working on them. But here are the ones assigned to me (using an ikiwiki tag):

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[See repo JSON]