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master :: people / fr33domlover /



First read this to get the background: http://www.manucornet.net/pcjacking/.

What’s next? That page is a bit old. Let’s revive this wonderful kind of activism! Grassroots action! Together we can bypass the Losedows monopoly of selfishness and greed!


These says LiveUSBs are common while many small laptops have no CD/DVD drive. Prepare both a CD/DVD and a USB stick (a cheap small one with 1GB or even less should be enough), and use whatever the computers you encounter support. A LiveUSB is much easier to insert quickly and silently, so if you can, prefer that.

HOWEVER, computers with Restricted Boot may refuse to boot your Live distro! Therefore:

[[!template id=todo text=""" Check if Trisquel, Parabola, gNewSense (also Debian?) can boot with Restricted Boot on, and how commonly this feature is on by default these days. """]]


Using a partially nonfree distro (ubuntu, mint, fedora, arch) is misleading! It says “now this computer boots GNU/Linux in freedom, but at home you it will fail to do so”. This is bad. Use a fully free one!

Question: What is it lacks firmware and fails to boot? Answer: No big deal, move on to the next computer, but make yourself notes and see which models work. Then you can report this data to http://h-node.org.

So which distro?

Suggestion: Trisquel. Friendly, elegant, simple, free.


Is there any camera that runs free software? In particular a digital one? I don’t know any, but if you have one, use it :-)

Also there is the old kind that isn’t digital.

If you don’t have a freedom supporting camera that’s fine - pictures are just a bonus. I’m not planning to take pictures (no good/libre camera available) but I’ll try to keep logs of what I did.


Mailing list: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/pcjacking.

The mailing list is fresh new and waiting to be approved. For now, here’s a list of people (you can register to this wiki and add yourself or just ask [[me|fr33domlover]] on Freenode/email/jabber to add you.

[See repo JSON]