Mirror of the Rel4tion website/wiki source, view at <http://rel4tion.org>

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HTTPS: git clone https://vervis.peers.community/repos/yEzqv

SSH: git clone USERNAME@vervis.peers.community:yEzqv



master :: projects / collection /


Each entry in the Collection can have the following details:

A magnet link can refer to a clearnet torrent or to an I2P torrent. If you use I2P, you are encouraged to create an I2P torrent. It helps protect our privacy and encourages the use of this kind of technology. If you don’t use I2P, give it a try sometime :-) but supplying just a clearnet magnet link is okay too.

If a torrent already exists, you can just paste the link. If not, create a torrent. You can use a torrent client, such as Transmission, and then export a magnet link and paste is here in the Collection.

[See repo JSON]