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Description Convention

All 4 core Idan files are written, but something is missing: There are no descriptions. Each smaoin:Resource may have a nli:description attached to it as a nli:Text, and it should describe the resource in words. The purpose is simply to explain to humans the meaning of the resource. For example:

The question is, how do I write the descriptions in a consistent way? I need patterns for:

First, here are some guidelines:

Now let’s start.


What do we say about a namespace? Basically it’s just a group of labeled objects, serving to help humans refer to those objects. Their description should not describe the ontology they represent, because an ontology is an entirely different concept: It’s a vocabulary for a specific domain of knowledge. A namespace is just a technical practical tool, without any meaning of its own.

Therefore, it makes sense to explain in words something like “This namespace contains the components of ontology XYZ”. If there’s no ontology, just explain what it’s supposed to contain, e.g. “Language objects”. But let’s make the sentence minimal. Start with the word “contains”.

Example for ontology:

“Contains the components of the XYZ ontology”

Example without ontology:

“Contains natural (human) language definitions”


I need to document a lot of classes. How do I write a short informative description? It seems the natural way to describe kinds of things is by basing the description on something more familiar. Example:

Q: What is an elephant? A: It’s a large four-legged grey-skinned mammal found in Africa and in Asia.

Do you see this? We basically said “Class Elephant is a special case of Mammal, which has properties X, Y and Z”. We took a base class, and explained how our subclass derived from it is special.

I will use the same kind of description. But sometimes it’s impossible, e.g. when defining things not based on anything else. In those cases, I’ll use the minimal part of the sentence. Just the subject. Example:

I will be using the third kind.

Note that the first sentence is of the same kind seen above: We take a base class - concept, thing - and specialize it with “atomic”. The second one is however different.


Again, I prefer a minimal informative description. For example: “The subject language has the object language as a dialect.” Don’t begin a description with things like “This property expresses the relation between X and Y representing the…” Instead get straight to the point. “Represents group membership between the group (object) and the member (subject).”

There are many many properties… let’s start.


[See repo JSON]