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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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	 	 <embed url="http://answers.semanticweb.com/questions/75/which-tools-and-libraries-do-you-use-to-develop-semantic-web-applications" title="Which Tools and Libraries do you use to develop Semantic Web applications ? - ANSWERS"/>
	 	 <embed url="http://code.google.com/p/surfrdf/source/browse/trunk/examples/dbpedia.py" title="dbpedia.py - surfrdf - Object RDF Mapper, Surf the Semantic Web - Google Project Hosting"/>
	 	 <embed url="http://www.openvest.com/trac/wiki/RDFAlchemy" title="RDFAlchemy &#x2013; Openvest"/>
	 	 <embed url="http://code.activestate.com/recipes/276643/" title="Caching and aliasing with descriptors &#xAB; Python recipes &#xAB; ActiveState Code"/>
	 	 <embed url="http://www10.org/cdrom/papers/490/" title="The Design and Implementation of the Redland RDF Application Framework"/>

[See repo JSON]