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This is a reference manual which goes over the various concepts, structures and syntactic forms of the [[Idan]] language. It explains each one, provides the relevant syntax rules and gives examples. If you’re new to Idan and want to learn it, the [[tutorial]] is a better starting point.

This manual is mainly meant for referring to while writing Idan documents, and as a secondary tool for use while learning. You can keep it open while reading the tutorial.

IMPORTANT: There is no stable release of this manual yet, and it is still in development and changing frequently. But right now it is the most up-to-date definition of the language. The grammar definition and the tutorial are out of date and will be updated soon.

TODO inter-file references! I remember writing about this, check the old docs under [[/projects/Idan]]

Single page: [[manual-single-page]]


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Table of Contents:

[[!template id=manual-toc]]

[See repo JSON]