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master :: projects / idan / manual / 03-statements /


[[!meta title=“3.1 | Tuples”]]


A statement may be written by specifying its components in a sequence. The order in Idan is different: Subject, predicate, object and then the statement identifier. The identifier may be omitted, in which case the written statement is a triple (and the identifier is generated later by software. Example:

<%> myns:has_name "John Doe"

When writing whole blocks, it is possible to use punctuation to separate the components. For single statements, the only relevant punctuation mark is a period at the end of the statement. So this is valid too:

<%> myns:has_name "John Doe" .

Using a period allows to write more on the same line:

<%> myns:has_name "John Doe" . #^ myns:has_age 34 .
[See repo JSON]