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[[!meta title=“7 | Literate Coding”]]

Literate Coding

Idan supports literate coding. It is a style of writing in which text is a comment by default, and Idan code needs to be marked explicitly. Since comments in Idan don’t have support for documentation generation (because that can work using NLI through names and descriptions of resources), an Idan parser just needs to know how to extract the code from the file, and concatenate into a regular Idan document.

Literate coding is currently based a simple plain-text format. A text file may contain code blocks, which can be detected by an Idan parser. A code block consists of a blank line, a sequence of lines all of which begin with a tab or all begin with 4 spaces, and finally another blank line.

Literate Idan files can be marked as such by giving them an idanl extension.

The interpretation by the Idan parser is as follows:

In particular, it means the code blocks may themselves contain comments (using -- and {- -}).

[See repo JSON]