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master :: projects / kort /


This page is going to be a specification of the Kort language. I’m not following any specific strict rules here - just trying to define things in an accurate unambiguous way.

Grammar Notation

See [[/grammar-notation]].


The latest Unicode version at the time of writing is 7, and that is the version assumed for Kort.

Kort files must be encoded in UTF-8.


See Idan’s [[projects/idan/definition]].

Context-Free Grammar (for parser)

Kort is a regular language, i.e. it can be precisely described using regular expressions. As a result, the lexical analyzer is enough to parse a Kort document, and a parser isn’t needed.

Lexical Structure (for lexer)

The lexical structure defines how characters can be combined into lexemes by matching regular expressions.

[[!format sgn """

document = (line? nl) * line = statement | comment nl = linefeed

statement = identifier sep relation (sep element)+ sep = tab + identifier = uid | gen relation = uid | gen element = uid | gen | value

uid = uidopen uidbody uidclose uidopen = “<” uidclose = “>” uidbody = uidfirst uidrest uidfirst = esc gensym | uidpart - gensym uidrest = uidpart* uidpart = uidchar | esc esc | esc uidclose uidchar = graphical - (wspace | esc | uidclose)

gen = uidopen genbody uidclose genbody = gensyn genlabel gensym = “%” genlabel = uidchar*

value = valopen literal valclose typeop type valopen = valopenchar valopenchar valopenchar = “{” valclose = valclosechar valclosechar valclosechar = “}” typeop = “::” type = uid

literal = boolean | number | character | string | chunk | general

boolean = “[_]” | “[x]”

number = hex | ratio | real hex = “0x” hexadecimal ratio = sign? decimal “/” decimal real = sign? realbase realexp? realbase = decimal | decimal “.” decimal realexp = “$” sign? decimal decimal = digit+ hexadecimal = hexit+ digit = [0-9] hexit = [0-9a-fA-F] sign = “-” | “+”

character = charchar | charescape charchar = graphical - charesc charescape = esc (charesc | numesc) charesc = valopenchar | valclosechar | esc numesc = “x” hexadecimal

string = ( strchar | strescape )* strchar = graphical - charesc strescape = esc (stresc | numesc) stresc = charesc | “&”

chunk = [A-Za-z0-9+/]* “=” #0-2

general = generalpart + generalpart = generalchar | esc graphical generalchar = graphical - (esc | valclosechar)

comment = dashes commentchar dashes = “–” “-” commentchar = graphical | tab

graphical = / any unicode character with basic type Graphical / wspace = / any unicode whitespace character, i.e. property WSpace=Y / tab = 9 linefeed = esc = ""


[See repo JSON]