Mirror of the Rel4tion website/wiki source, view at <http://rel4tion.org>
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This page is going to list all the sections of this wiki, and make sure all the parts of it are visible and accessible. Some helper pages and technical sections aren’t listed, to make it easier to find the interesting things in this list.
- [[/about]] - overview, purpose and structure of the project
- [[/access]] - links to the various subsystems and services available on this server, and instructions for using them and doing similar things on other servers
- [[/blog]] - aggregation of the blogs of the people blogging in this wiki
- [[/broken-links]] - auto-generated list of broken links between wiki pages, which should be fixed
- [[/bulletin-board]]] - things to pay attention to, upcoming events, announcements, etc.
- [[/categories]] - list of interesting collections and types of [[/terms]]
- [[/community]] - how to contact people who participate here or in the same culture generally, making and using free software and free culture works
- [[/download]] - how to download the software made here, actually a bit outdated
- [[/editing]] - how to participate and edit pages in this wiki
- [[/feedback]] - a place to leave feedback about the wiki, about the project, etc.
- [[/forums]] - per-project discussion forums, not exactly active
- [[/inbox]] - unorganized list of notes, thoughts and tasks, to be processed and moved to other places, e.g. by opening new tickets for them
- [[/lang]] - pages for human languages used in this wiki, which can also list pages written in these languages (should probably become a term category)
- [[/languages]] - pages for computer languages with general info and how they are related to Rel4tion and other projects here (should probably become a term category)
- [[/licenses]] - pages for software licenses (should be removed or become a term category and used as tags for all the software projects here)
- [[/maint]] - instructions and useful resources for maintaining this wiki and other components of the server
- [[/news]] - all the general and project-specific news published here
- [[/olds]] - history of older news, too old to appear in the news page
- [[/orphans]] - pages not linked from anywhere else, which usually should be fixed
- [[/participate]] - how to participate in Rel4tion and othr projects here
- [[/people]] - pages of people participating here
- [[/projects]] - all the software and technology projects and components being made here
- [[/releases]] - aggregation of project package release annoucements
- [[/roadmap]] - long-term work plan for Rel4tion
- [[/terms]] - an informative section of the wiki, like Wikipedia, mostly made to explain terms related to Rel4tion and semantic desktop but not limited to that
- [[/tickets]] - the ticket system of this wiki, how to use it, some statistics
- [[/todo]] - the to-do system of this wiki, how to use it, some statistics
- [[/tools]] - some lists of tools in the wiki, this is old and should be moved elsewhere
- [[/torrents]] - links to pages listing torrent links of software project releases, media files and more (torrents provide p2p file sharing)
- [[/work-in-progress]] - high-level overview of ongoing and planned Rel4tion project tasks, rarely updated though