Mirror of the Rel4tion website/wiki source, view at <http://rel4tion.org>

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HTTPS: git clone https://vervis.peers.community/repos/yEzqv

SSH: git clone USERNAME@vervis.peers.community:yEzqv



master ::


[[!template id=todo text=“close this page”]]

Several [[!wikipedia Server_(computing) desc=servers]] are running as part of the project, and more are being added gradually, but the most important ones are probably the [[!wikipedia Lighttpd desc=“web server”]] serving this website and the git server serving the source code.

The “regular” internet is referred here as “clearnet”.

Here is a list of the stable servers:

HTTPS and FTPS are available as well, see [[here|/ssl]].

Additional I2P server tunnels:

[[TODO|/todo/open]] after 2014-10-29 go to http://stats.i2p/i2p/addkey.html and register subdomain www.files.partager.i2p as HTTP service

[[TODO|/todo/open]] make SSL cert for doc subdomain and add SSL support of it to webserver config

[See repo JSON]