Mirror of the Rel4tion website/wiki source, view at <http://rel4tion.org>
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This section of the wiki is a flat (i.e. non-hierarchical) collection of information pages, somewhat like Wikipedia. But the pages here don’t necessarily provide complete coverage of the discussed terms. Instead, they can explain relevance of the terms to this website, and provide links to Wikipedia etc. for the full description.
Terms, being wiki pages, can be tagged with tags. Any wiki page can be used as a tag, but there are two special kinds of tag pages with respect to terms:
- “Interesting” tags containing some useful or handy lists etc. These pages are tagged with the [[/categories]] page. And that page lists all the pages tagged with it. For example, at the time of writing, there is a
page and computer language terms under it. This page can become a category, and its subpages can become terms (optionally. They can also just stay where they are). - Tags which are themselves term pages.
A tag can be a category, can be a term, can be both and can be neither.
There are several other wiki sections written in a similar fashion. There are two ways to include them here:
- List them below.
- Pros: Easily include existing sections. Can even use a tag to collect pages (but not entire sections!) without editing this page. Allows any wiki page to be a term, with whatever hierarchy its section uses.
- Cons: Hard to find terms in the source repo.
- Move them to this section and use tags.
- Pros: All terms in a single information organization method.
- Cons: No hierarchy, all terms in a single directory. But tags allow to find things more easily when browsing the web pages.
All Terms
[[!inline pages="terms/* and !*/discussion or tagged(.)" actions=no archive=yes template=titlepage sort=“meta(title)” show=0 feeds=no]]
See [[/categories]].
Local Terms
[[!map pages="terms/* and !*/discussion" show=title]]
External Term Sections
External Terms
[[!inline pages=“tagged(.)” actions=no archive=yes template=titlepage sort=“meta(title)” show=0 feeds=no]]
[[!map pages=“tagged(.)” show=title]]