A mirror of SoundHelix, the software MadHelix is based on.

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soundhelix-0.0.2 :: doc /



Author: Thomas Schürger (thomas@schuerger.com)


SoundHelix is a framework for algorithmic music creation and playback.

In 1995, I started working on a similar software on the Amiga platform, called
AlgoMusic, which was published on Aminet and was improved over a couple of
releases until 1998. Then I stopped development due to lack of time. Due to the
focus on and limitations of the standard Amiga audio hardware, AlgoMusic itself
was very limited and inflexible.

SoundHelix has a similar goal, but strives to remove most (if not all) of the
limitations of AlgoMusic. Due to its nature as a framework, it is possible to
plug-in own implementations of most components.

SoundHelix is a Java rewrite from scratch which offers a whole lot of
flexibility and customization capabilities. It is also a framework which allows
other developers to easily write their own music creation components and use
them within SoundHelix.

SoundHelix features some basic music creation abilities and a MIDI player,
which can access any MIDI resource accessible to Java. Currently, some external
MIDI software is required for playback. This can be any MIDI software or
hardware which can be accessed using a MIDI driver on your platform. You can
even use the standard Java Software Synthesizer or the Windows Wavetable
Software Synth. It is possible to use any number of MIDI devices in parallel
for playback. Please check the included configuration files.

Note that SoundHelix might require some configuration time to produce good
results on your MIDI setup. You shouldn't expect excellent results

The current implementation of SoundHelix is very likely to change in different
areas.  Especially the XML format is going to be reworked in order to make it
more consistent and to make it validatable using standard XML validation
techniques. Don't expect your XML files to work across different versions of
SoundHelix without any adaptions.


End users:

- Java Runtime Environment 5 or later
- a MIDI playback device or MIDI-capable software
- some MIDI hub software (optional)


- Java Software Development Kit 5 or later
- ant (http://ant.apache.org)
- Subversion client (http://subversion.tigris.org)
- Eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org, optional)

Running SoundHelix

Download a binary package of SoundHelix and extract it somewhere. Then, open a
console and go to that directory. Then simply run SoundHelix by typing

run.bat examples/SoundHelix-Piano.xml

or on Linux

run.sh examples/SoundHelix-Piano.xml

Parameter syntax (substitute run.bat with run.sh on Linux):

run.bat                           - starts SoundHelix with the file "SoundHelix.xml" in the current directory
run.bat <filename>                - starts SoundHelix with the given XML file
run.bat <filename> "<songname>"   - starts SoundHelix with the given XML file and uses the song name for the random
                                    seed by computing a hash value
run.bat <filename> seed:<seed>    - starts SoundHelix with the given XML file and uses the given seed value for the
                                    random seed

During playback, SoundHelix provides a very simple command console. Type "help"
to view the possible commands.

Please read the FAQ file if you encounter any problems while running

Example XML files

A few examples are provided with SoundHelix. From these, the example
SoundHelix-Piano.xml can be used out-of-the-box. It lists a couple of MIDI
devices where the first one available on your platform will be used.

If you have created new example files or have improved the existing ones, I
would be glad to include them in the next SoundHelix release.


SoundHelix has not been tested on many platforms yet. If you encounter problems
on your platform that you cannot resolve yourself, please read the FAQs. You
can also drop me an e-mail.

Example Songs

You can find some example songs generated by SoundHelix on the SoundHelix
channel on YouTube:


Please set the resolution to the maximum value for the YouTube player. This
will give you the best audio quality.

Building SoundHelix

Download the source code (or get it using a Subversion client) and store it in
any location on your harddrive. See below for how to check out the source code.

Then just run "ant jar" in SoundHelix' main directory, which is the directory
containing the ant build script (build.xml). After building, a JAR file
(SoundHelix.jar) will have been created in that directory.

Then simply follow the same steps as mentioned in "Running SoundHelix".

Installing a MIDI Hub

Some MIDI software (like Propellerhead Reason) does not offer a MIDI device
itself, but can connect to a present MIDI device to receive MIDI messages.
SoundHelix also does not make itself visible as a MIDI device, so neither can
SoundHelix connect to the MIDI software nor can the MIDI software connect to
SoundHelix. In this case, you must install some MIDI hub software as a
man-in-the-middle, for example MIDI Yoke (available for Windows, other
platforms offer similar MIDI hub software).

This software simply sets up a MIDI device that is visible from both Java and
from any other MIDI software and relays MIDI messages between SoundHelix and
the MIDI software. SoundHelix must be configured to use MIDI Yoke as the MIDI
output device and the MIDI software must use MIDI Yoke as the MIDI input
device. MIDI Yoke provides up to 8 MIDI ports. It is sufficient to use one of
the ports for SoundHelix (provided that you don't want use more than 16 MIDI
channels), otherwise you can use more than one port. The name of the MIDI Yoke
MIDI output port is "Out To MIDI Yoke:  n" (with n from 1 to 8) - note the
extra space after the colon. This must be used in SoundHelix for output. The
MIDI software can then use "In From MIDI Yoke:  n" for input.

MIDI Yoke can be found here: http://www.midiox.com/myoke.htm


Configuration is done using an XML file. If no filename is provided at startup,
the file "SoundHelix.xml" is read from the current directory, otherwise the
first parameter given is used as the XML filename and that file is read. A
couple of example configuration files are included in the "examples" directory.

Details about configuration are still to be written.

Within each XML tag that requires an integer you can use the following syntax
instead of a plain integer:

- <random min="minimum" max="maximum"/>

  to generate a random integer between minimum and maximum
  (both inclusive) with uniform distribution
- <random min="minimum" max="maximum" type="normal" mean="mean" variance="variance"/>

  to generate a random integer between minimum and maximum (both inclusive)
  with a Gaussian (normal) distribution having a mean of mean and a variance
  of variance; mean and variance are doubles; the mean is optional (if unspecified,
  the arithmetic mean of min and max will be used)
- <random list="value1,value2,..."/>

  to randomly select one of the specified values with uniform distribution

Within each XML tag that requires a string, you can use the following instead
of a plain string:

- <random list="string1|string2|..."/>

  to randomly select one of the specified strings with uniform distribution

Note that all of these special tags can only be used in text nodes in the XML
file, i.e., not for attribute values.

Results wanted

I'm going to collect SoundHelix results from users throughout the world for
publishing them as example results on the SoundHelix webpage.

These are the requirements:

- results must be single songs
- songs must have been generated by SoundHelix only, using any number of
  MIDI devices for playback (usage of sequencers within the MIDI devices is not allowed)
- song lengths must be between 3 and 8 minutes
- songs must be in MP3 format with a bitrate between 128 and 320 KBit/s

Songs will be published with your real name or pseudonym, optionally with your
mail address, and a short description of your setup (operating system, MIDI
software used, etc.).

You can send your results to me by e-mail.

I would also be interested if you manage to let SoundHelix run on mobile
devices with a Java environment, like mobile phones, PDAs or portable MP3

Sourcecode and License

SoundHelix is Open Source Software with GPL v3 license (see doc/LICENSE.txt)
and is hosted on SourceForge:


The most recent sourcecode can be checked out using SVN like this:

svn co https://soundhelix.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/soundhelix/trunk/soundhelix soundhelix 

More Developers welcome

I'm looking for more developers to join this project. If you have Java and some
music skills, documentation skills or think you can contribute to the project
in any other way, then please don't hesitate to contact me.

Developer Resources

Java Sound API:

Java MIDI Programming FAQ:

[See repo JSON]