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☐ ### 2019-12-24 ~jazzyeagle Additional Ticket Table View fixes ☐ ### 2019-12-24 ~jazzyeagle Tags & Milestones β˜’ ### 2019-11-04 ~zzzz PUSH OrderedCollection, items πŸ’¬ 2 ☐ ### 2019-11-03 ~zzzz More relaxed content-type/accept πŸ’¬ 2 β˜’ ### 2019-11-01 ~fr33domlover Darcs patch description parsing grabs newlines πŸ’¬ 1 ☐ ### 2019-10-30 ~fr33domlover How to represent a commit/patch for UI ☐ ### 2019-10-30 ~fr33domlover Remove duplicate list helper functions β˜’ ### 2019-10-27 ~fr33domlover HTTP sig verification says invalid, with RSA keys from zPlus and bill-auger πŸ’¬ 1 ☐ ### 2019-10-15 ~fr33domlover Launch dev instance for previews and collaboration β˜’ ### 2019-10-12 ~fr33domlover In Push summary, list the commit titles β˜’ ### 2019-10-12 ~fr33domlover List the repo itself as a recipient of Push activities ☐ ### 2019-10-12 ~fr33domlover Figure out Push activity for remote collaborators ☐ ### 2019-10-09 ~billauger can not create ticket πŸ’¬ 1 ☐ ### 2019-10-07 ~billauger can not create repo - Workflow Value is required πŸ’¬ 2 ☐ ### 2019-08-05 ~fr33domlover Dependent projects β˜’ ### 2019-08-01 ~iko Enhancements to add new ssh key form πŸ’¬ 2 β˜’ ### 2019-07-31 ~fr33domlover Publish committer name/date when available ☐ ### 2019-07-21 ~fr33domlover Make it difficult to accidentally switch between Fed and Dev ☐ ### 2019-07-21 ~fr33domlover Network.FedURI: `Authority` constructor allows creating invalid values β˜’ ### 2019-07-18 ~fr33domlover Show only open tickets by default πŸ’¬ 1 ☐ ### 2019-07-18 ~fr33domlover Try and document ghcid usage ☐ ### 2019-07-18 ~fr33domlover Web.ActivityPub: Collection and CollectionPage allow items with different UriMode ☐ ### 2019-07-12 ~fr33domlover When logged in, display all hosted repos and projects β˜’ ### 2019-07-12 ~fr33domlover List projects on homepage πŸ’¬ 1 ☐ ### 2019-07-08 ~fr33domlover Switch Ticket's dependency fields to be URIs of Collections ☐ ### 2019-07-06 ~fr33domlover Reply-by-email ☐ ### 2019-07-06 ~fr33domlover Implement NodeInfo πŸ’¬ 1 ☐ ### 2019-07-06 ~fr33domlover In summary of Accept of a remote Offer Ticket, there's "(?)" instead of author name ☐ ### 2019-06-23 ~fr33domlover Send Accept when creating a ticket β˜’ ### 2019-06-11 ~fr33domlover When opening a ticket, become a follower
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